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@Nathan CCC Great approach! I like it. Thank you very much for that. That should do the job I'd say.😀👍️
@Gianni Ceresa Sorry you've lost me. I've no idea what you're talking about with push, accept, reject and negative feelings. It says "Did this answer the question? Yes No" It's a simple English question - and the answer is no, this didn't answer the question, ensuring the question remains unanswered. If I click Yes then it…
Hi @Mallikarjuna Kuppauru-Oracle Version : Oracle Analytics Publisher The column causing the issue is from the por_requisition_lines_all table, the item_description column which is reported as VARCHAR2 960 select * from all_tab_columns where lower(table_name) = 'por_requisition_lines_all' and lower(column_Name)…