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Oracle BI Publisher Desktop Installtion will have sample templates. If you have BI Publisher Desktop installed on your machine go to below location and check this template.(AllEmployeesWithoutManagers.xls) to compare against yours. C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for…
Couple of Options you can check; 1. Can you download the RTF template from 12c and view it in MSword to check if there are special characters in it? 2. If you have copy of the RTF template from 11g, Can you upload and replace the template it in 12c and rerun the job to check if the output looks as expected.
Do you still have this issue.? If you do; <xapi:template type="rtf" location="xdo://AR.XXTT_PNUS_ARXSGP.en.00/?getSource=true" filter="/ARXSGPO_CPG/LIST_G_SETUP/G_SETUP/LIST_G_CUSTOMER_ID/G_CUSTOMER_ID[COMMUNIC_MTHD='PRINT_YES']"/> Can you replace this as below, we are changing the highlighted section to point to rtf…
Can you try to recreate the report from group 'G_INV_CUST' instead of 'G_CUST_1' as it's now in rtf. You need to recreate your template, something like this.. <?for-each:G_INV_CUST?> field1: <?SUM(TOTAL_CUST_AMT)?> field2: <?SUM(TOTAL_CUST_B0)?> ....so on <?end for-each?> Thanks
I would suggest to modify the source which is producing .xml file with the values the way you desire which would be much easier. But if want to the output in the way you mentioned in .xlsx, You can try insert summary columns at the end using https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E21764_01/bi.1111/e13881/T527073T558233.htm. Then you…
You can refer below and see if you can apply it for your scenario. https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/analytics-cloud/acpmr/template-features.html#GUID-BB1820DA-DB4A-4CBA-95FA-019A7209806B https://blogs.oracle.com/xmlpublisher/here-are-my-terms-amp-conditions 1. I am not sure if yours is 2 page RTF template, You can try…
You can try Conditional Formatting and use IF Condition to display only values corresponding to INV_TID values you desire. Though INV_TID is at higher level you can fetch value for the same into your for each group. Something like this... <?for-each@section:TEST1?> <?if:INV_TID =’01 00 00 000 60150 000 000’?> Fields you…
Are you using syntax, <?split-by-page-break:?>' , Can you share your rtf template.
You can refer the standard oracle report 'Supplier Open Balance Letter' for your query. The program is using package AP_GET_SUPPLIER_BALANCE_PKG to derive the balances.
3612780 wrote:Hey,I want to fetch run time user values from excel fields and use that field's value in calculation so that when user will enter the value in these columns then calculation will automatically done based upon user values and will display the result. Can you explain with an example, Do you want to display User…
http://knoworacleappsdba.blogspot.com/2012/07/all-about-output-post-processor-opp-in.html Refer above link 1. Change the output to xml and rerun the job and see how much time it took to complete. 2. If the program completes faster then you need to relook at the template design. 3. How is the runtime for other concurrent…
Can you please check if you can get more details from Output Post Processor log and share them here.
Did you try all the the options in Doc ID 550627.1 you specified above. 1. Did you try other content type? 2. IMAGE_ELEMENT are making sure it is matching data in xml file. 3. Its also talking about the height and width attributes, did you try those.?
Can you refer this https://blogs.oracle.com/xmlpublisher/conditional-templates
What i meant by "is able to derive all the values". Since it is first time you are doing this, I suggest you to hard code the values for below instead of having bursting xml derive the values from xml file. ${FULL_NAME}, ${EMAIL_ADDRESS}
Couple of open questions Did this program ever worked.? Is this issue happening for specific scenarios.? Cross check if bursting file above is able to derive all the values.? If this is the first time you are testing bursting, suggest you to check this step by step. Hard code values for your testing for this fields…
Instead of MS word header and footer, you can use BI publisher Syntax Start Body: and End Body: to generate header and footer. then try printing barcode in footer.
1. Open RTF template in word and check 'Line and Paragraph spacing' if its adding before and after spacing paragraph. 2. Check if there are any hidden formatting symbols. (While in word press (Ctrl+*))
Suggest you to handle this at query level and get the final xml tag as <Addr3>Vegas, NV 00000</Addr3>. Otherwise you can try using Instr and replace function. (i.e find the first space and replace it with ',') Refer this https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E10091_01/doc/bip.1013/b40017/T421739T481158.htm
You can use below query SELECT fcr.request_id,fcp.user_concurrent_program_name, fcr.concurrent_program_id, fcr.requested_by, fcr.actual_start_date, fcr.actual_completion_Date, (NVL(fcr.actual_completion_Date, SYSDATE)- fcr.actual_start_date)*24*60 MInutes, fcr.status_code, fcr.ARGUMENT_TEXT,…