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Voon Loong Hew Rank 2 - Community Beginner


  • hi, Thanks for sharing these links. I viewed some of these video before and learnt some basic of the ODV from there. Yes, I am Oracle internal user. I am trying to learn some basic analytic tool for my work. I searched through some internal resources, beside these video and few user documents, I can't find either class…
  • Thank you very much for help, Philippe. how about the date difference between two rows in my example above ? I just want to calculate how many days between two date of difference row. In the above example, I want to know how long between the Received date of product B and Completed Date of Product A. That mean cell D2-cell…
  • hi Philippe, Yes, it work after removing the date. So, could you please help me in detail how the Msum work ? how does it link to the date ? Thanks a lot. - Voon
  • Thank you very much for the answer. I still found some problem....see attached screen shot I use Cost-(Msum(Cost,2)-Cost). however, the second item is wrong. It should be 200, not 300. any idea what's wrong of my calculation ? Also, as you see in the picture, I can only calculate the timediff between two column. But, I…
  • Hello Philippe, Thanks for the answer. However, I tried it doesn't work. I just want to create a new calculation in DV. The M.row n is an invalid expression in the Calculation. Perhaps we are not talking about the same condition. I am creating data visualization and want to create new Calculation to find the difference…