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Hi Nikhil, Please review the following discussions: Need clarification about last login date stored in the table ASE_USER_LOGIN_INFO — Cloud Customer Connect (oracle.com) How to get the last login date for all users including the terminated users — Cloud Customer Connect (oracle.com) Regards Waleed Fetoh
Since the Req number is a string, you cannot use the Between operation with a string. However, you can try using the replace or substr functions to remove the "REQ-" before converting the output to a number.
during create the DFF, you need enable option: to Checkbox BI Enabled https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=108921466952725&parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCH&sourceId=PROBLEM&id=2717721.1&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=189tlmq087_53
Is there any update on this issue, please?
Because we have a hard time extracting the data from the fusion, managing the business needs is really tough. Please support this.
Is anybody from development looking at this Idea? It has been created almost 2 years ago. Thanks
Unfortunately, the page is not available
facing the same issue and looking for a solution, please.
Government requirements should be achieved.
yes it's very important update