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Have you seen the presentation services log? please, as initial point to see the root of cause of the issue we need to check it, as a second check the obiee server logs, and is not probably the key factor of the issue but , please, can you check in the web browser certification matrix ?
what sort of field that you need in the pivot table? robert and Thomas, presented to you all sort of fields, you should be more specific
check this step by step, the post in OBIEE 12c however the process is the same (spanish version) https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.oracle.com%2Fpe… (english version)
It depends on your business model, can you check the query behind
dont know if i make a redudant answer buy you can check the capacity planning in oracle support as well.
you can try something like [>0]£#.00;[<0]£(#.00);£#.00 , and use a conditional format to show as a red number.
@Christian Berg is pointing out well your issue, we need more log detail ( https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17904_01/doc.1111/e17366/chapter18.htm#FPICU395 ) . But let me guess what is going out with it, Have you checked the security user and application roles are setting good? in the mergging process between your App Demo SA…
Using a presentation variables and logical sql
First, have you try it with a INTEGER DATATYPE in you RPD? do a little proof of concept with just one row and data that could be consistent. Regards, Cesar
Have you ever checked this Oracle Note ? OBIEE 12c: After Moving | Changing The Server IP and Hostname, OBIEE Fails To Start (Doc ID 2210291.1) OBIEE 12c: How To Bind The OBIEE Components To A Specific Listen Address (Doc ID 2193508.1) The second one has the recipe to cook what you need