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Hi Thank you, YGUTTIKONDA wrote:try using XDOFX commands or XSLT samples below <?xdofx:to_char('12345')?><?xdofx:to_number('12345')?><?format-number:fieldname;'999G999D99'?> How to use above code with SQL code ? <LINE_AMOUNT>100<LINE_AMOUNT/> -->it is displaying 100.00000 if i use <?format-number:fieldname;'999G999D9999'?>…
Thank you for help! Have u tried to_char () in ur orginal query???? No, i can't PO_STANDARD_PO.xsd is the source file which is having xml code. Sample code: <xs:element ref="LINE_AMOUNT" minOccurs="0"/> I used <?format-number(LINE_AMOUNT, '#,##0.00', 'myFMT')?> in rtf template but getting Caused by:…
Thank you Violeta, It was printing if the LINE_AMOUNT is like 200, but it is not working if i have 2,000.00(the generated XML data tag) FYA...if the XML data tag generated 2400.52 then it will be working for me(2400.52000), but the data was generated like 2,400.52. Please let me know if any questions
Is this syntax <?xdofx:TO_CHAR(fieldname, '9,999,999.99')?> will display 5 decimals? like 1,000.00000
used like as you suggested but no luck.
I have used <?format-number:LINE_AMOUNT;'999G999D99999'?> But still it is showing like this. 14,589.52 FYA...old code for LINE_AMOUNT Could you please help me?
Hi Experts, Could you please help me on this?
How to use to-char?
are you using like this or adding pic directly ?