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Hi Abhinav, check the rtf file and remove spaces.
Hi, When I am clicking open bi publisher report from catalog, the report loading taking too much time from analytics link. Almost 4minutes. Tried on other browsers also. Any help on this really appreciated . Thank you, Joe
Hi Raghavan, current behaviour is case sensitive. for example if name data in database as "TOM", if i put TOM in name field parameter its getting values. if i change any of the letter small or capital, its not getting records. so my requirement is to get data if i enter any type of characters in the name parameter field.…
Perfect, thank you.
Hello All, i have created BI publisher report, when i am looking report in interactive mode, it is displaying only 10 records initially, if i need more records to navigate, i have to click right side scrolling button. is there any way where i can display more than 10 records default in interactive mode. Regards, Joe
Hi, I am not using RTF method. BI publisher interactive mode. Regards,
yes, there is a patch for this issue. Thank you.
Hi All, Any help on this request? thanks in advance.
please any help on this? any workaround for temporary? Regards, Joe
Hi Senthilrajan Vaithianathan i have used already datatype as Date only and date format i gave MM/dd/yyyy. But i guess my issue in my sql, i have fixed my sql. now the way i am comparing date as to_char(orderdate, 'MM/dd/yyyy') >= to_char(:startDate, 'MM/dd/yyyy') AND to_char(orderdate, 'MM/dd/yyyy') <= to_char(:endDate,…
Hi Thank you for you reply. we are not using EBS or XML publisher. It is OBIEE., BI publisher 11g. Regards, Amit
No we are not using EBS. is there any other way where we can generate each record as report wit excel data file datamodel?
Hi, sent you xml structure., you need any further information?
PDFs to folder.
Hi, the file you sent is control file? how to save that file with what extension? where to place that control file you sent in BI publisher?
looks like it is XML publisher the one you sent, now it is BI publisher. Some steps i didnt find in BI publisher mainly control file and concurrent related.
just try to re-create again report or just delete template rtf file and upload it again.
Hi, My issues is when i choose shared option its displaying only xml files not other files. to display other files is it required to set any property? Regards, Amit
Hi, not sure your question, i have an excel file with data. Excel file contains 500 rows. what i did in BI publisher, i have added that Excel file in data model and created sameple file. I got sample records in xml file. Based on that xml file, i have created rtf file and uploaded that rtf file by using excel data model…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!--Generated by Oracle BI Publisher> -<DATA_DS> -<G_1> <EMP_ID>101</EMP_ID> <FIRST_NAME>Srin</FIRST_NAME> <LAST_NAME>K</LAST_NAME> <SSN>1111</SSN> <ADDRESS>TX</ADDRESS> </G_1> -<G_1> <EMP_ID>102</EMP_ID> <FIRST_NAME>Mur</FIRST_NAME> <LAST_NAME>M</LAST_NAME>…