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Discussion List
Alternative way to create custom fields in sales cloud without using Application ComposerSummary Alternative way to create custom fields in sales cloud without using Application ComposerContent Hi I am looking for the possibilities to create custom fields in…
Script always takes first conditionContent Hi, In Before Update when I use the below code always the first conditoin only executes condition1 ; if (isAttributeChanged('EstimatedTotal_c') && (EstimatedTota…
CX – Integrated Sales and Marketing: Integrating Oracle Eloqua with Oracle Engagement Cloud, 24 JanuContent Submit your questions for the CX – Integrated Sales and Marketing: Integrating Oracle Eloqua with Oracle Engagement Cloud session to have them answered during th…
Consumer Goods Retail Exceution - Custom ObjectsSummary Consumer Goods Custom Objects SyncContent Hello All, For Oracle Fusion Sales for Consumer Goods Retail Execution, I created a custom object and added it to mobil…
Consumer Goods Objects Are Missing in R13 Sales CloudSummary Consumer Goods Objects Are Missing in R13 Sales CloudContent Dears, we have got a new instance of Oracle Sales Cloud R13 and we have purchased it with Oracle con…
Consumer Goods Retail Exceution - Mobile CustomizationsSummary Cutomizing Consumer Goods Mobile Standard FeaturesContent Hello All, For Oracle Fusion Sales for Consumer Goods Retail Execution, Is there any possibility to cus…
Script working inside a trigger but breaking inside an object function, whyContent I'm working on a custom object. When I run a script from a trigger it works but if I run the same code from an object function, it throws an error saying "Cannot…
Action Link to open a custom reportSummary Issue passing a parameter via URL/Link to open a custom report.Content Hi, I am trying to create a link including a parameter (e.g. Registry ID) to open a custom…
CX – Oracle Sales Planning Cloud, 15 January 2019, 9 a.m. PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the CX – Oracle Sales Planning Cloud session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a new comment …
question about integrating with ERPSummary Need to understand how ERP and Engagement Cloud integrate and at which levelContent A customer's plan is to implement Oracle ERP but meanwhile they are capturing…
Get object workflow approver name and timestampContent Hi, I have object workflow using parallel approval in which if anyone of the approver in the group approves the workflow is completed with APPROVED status. Now I…
Unable to perform an Import Products functionality due to an errorSummary When importing a list of products I got a notification error QSC-QSC_PROD_SLPRDTYPCODE_INVDContent Hello everyone, I am unable to perform an import from the macr…User_2025-02-04-11-03-51-524 19 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-04-11-03-51-524
Sales Cloud OTBI Release 12: Subject Area Description DocumentSummary This document provides a description of select Sales Cloud subject areas including the key business questions that can be answered using the same.Content Use thi…
How to hard delete User Id from Oracle Sales CLoud ?Summary I have one user name which is required to delete and now i want to hard delete this user name so that i can create a new same user name and same emailid. Please …
Understanding the Sales Pipeline FunnelSummary The Sales Pipeline funnel is attention grabbing, but at the same time could prove to be intriguing until you understand it.Content So, what is the sales funnel ?…
Purpose of Task actions "suspend" and "resume"Content Can someone explain me the purpose and functionality of task actions "suspend" and "resume". See as well screenshots. Unfortunately the applications help is exac…
Technical RequirementsSummary Cloud Infrastructure/ArchitectureContent Hi, We would like to ask the system requirements of the customer experience cloud platforms - Engagement Cloud (Sales Cl…
BPM on Custom ObjectSummary Implement Approvals using BPM on Custom ObjectContent Hi, Please help me on implementing approval process using BPM on a custom object created in Sales Cloud Rel…
Use Currency Daily RatesSummary Use Currency Daily Rates in custom objectContent Hi, Under setup and maintenance --> Manage Daily Rates the daily rates are maintained. Attached screenshot How c…
Sample Rest APIContent Hello Please can any member help me to find how to handle Rest API Thank youUser_2025-01-31-19-03-44-538 35 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-19-03-44-538
Approve Workflow using MenuContent Hi, Rather than using bell notifciation is there way to have menu such as Approve or Reject under Actions. Thanks
Support child object records on Account Landing pageSummary Child object data on Account Landing pageContent Hi All, We built a child object (billing profile) under Account object. On the account landing, we want to enabl…
Historic SnapshotSummary Opportunity Snapshot reportContent Hi, I've built a BI report using the subject are Sales - CRM Historical Pipeline for opportunity snapshot. The report is worki…User_2025-01-28-20-44-09-129 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-20-44-09-129
Sales LightboxSummary How to share a document as public in lightboxContent i'm trying to share a document as public document in sales lightbox but there is no option. Version 18c
Search on Business UnitSummary How can I make Business Unit available in advanced searchContent How can I make Business Unit available in advanced search on my leads so that employees can add …
Run Time messagesContent I would like to know whether Run time messages will appear or not if we execute groovy function using scheduled processes? I am executing one object function usi…
18C Campaign Object Not Found After UpgradeSummary Customer has upgraded to 18C but I do not see the Campaign object or subtabs to exposeContent Hello, I'm trying to expose the campaign object and subtabs for a c…
filter account contactsContent Hi All, Could anyone help me to understand how to filter out contacts which are related to accounts. I have one custom dcl pointing to contacts. Now I want to fi…
CX – Oracle Engagement Cloud Partner Relationship Management Overview, 6 December 2018, 10 a.m PT -Content Submit your questions for the CX – Oracle Engagement Cloud Partner Relationship Management Overview session to have them answered during the live event. Post you…
How make Highlight Region hidden by defualtContent Anyone can help making the Highlight Region in Service Request or any Edit/Detail page hidden by default?