Narrative Reporting
Discussion List
Line Chart Data Label Overlapping IssueSummary: I am reaching out regarding an issue I encountered while creating a line chart. The data labels for closely related data points consistently overlap, despite my…
Dynamically update one dimension based on selection of anotherSo we have a requirement where the data sits at different intersection, for example All data in "Actuals" Scenario is in "Total Actuals" Plan Element and All data for "F…
Unable to connect to EPM Cloud Data Sources when MFA is enabled for all usersSummary: The customer has MFA enabled for all users, making it impossible to connect to another EPM Cloud data source, or to create "Connections" to other EPM Cloud apps…
Navigation flow for NRCS in EPBCSSummary: We are having reports and books in NRCS instance. We created a connection in EPBCS with NRCS and did navigation flow to run the reports and books in EPBCS. For …
How to migrate a report/book from MR to NR?Summary: Need to move the report created in Planning pod to NR pod. Content (required): We have a report created in Cloud planning Reports and now we want it to be taken…
where do I find the ERP connection string for Narrative ReportingSummary: We are trying to establish a connection between Narrative Reporting and our ERP instance. Where can this connection string be located that Narrative needs? Cont…
Bursting reports/books to SharePoint from Narrative ReportingHi, Anyone have experience/luck with bursting reports/books to a SharePoint site from Narrative Reporting. We were wondering if there are other options to burst reports …
Is Bar chart formatting possible in a grid as shown in screenshot?Summary: Business need attached report in narrative reporting (last 2 columns in the report) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Any response …
Report with traffic lights issueThe following applies to Reporting in Planning, but maybe it also applies to Narrative. I have created a report with traffic light symbols, using conditional formatting.…
NR SmartView POV with member aliases listSummary: Unable to get member aliases in the SmartView POV of a MR report in Narrative Reporting Content (required): Unable to get member aliases in the SmartView POV of…
Export the report as Google SheetsDoes NR has the ability to export the report as Google Sheets? Users use google sheets exclusively and not excel.
Display Sum of the members selected in promptsSummary: I have report in EPBCS MR, and I have created a prompt for one dimension and multiple values selection. Now in the report if I select 2 values for the prompt th…
Is it possible to limit the scope of Zooming?Summary: In the report I have the following design: Account A.1 Account A.2 Account A.3 Account A Accounts A.1, A.2, and A.3 are children of account A. I want the users …
Can We Restore a Snapshot After Using CopyFileFromInstance, Instead of Downloading to Local PC?Summary: Hi, We are currently on the process of building-up DR process, we need to automate the cloning of our applications after Daily Maintenance. For Narrative Report…
Long Loading Times to Edit Narrative ReportHi Team, Our system takes a long time to open many reports. LIke 5+ minutes just to "Edit" the report (not execute and run the report). I understand that running a repor…
jvoz/oracle_EPM_reporting_packages_with_chatgptUsing ChatGPT with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) report packages can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of financial reporting and a…
Specific POV OrderSummary: The dimensions need to appear in a specific order in POV. Although the dimensions are aligned as requested by the client, the order is not followed in the repor…
Embedded Content alignment issue in previewIn Narrative Reporting, the embedded content (Account has text property) is getting distorted after second preview. The alignment is correct in Doclet and Reference docl…
Instructions to connect Narrative Reporting to a non oracle data sourceSummary: Please provide the instructions to connect Narrative Reporting to a non-Oracle data source Below is the link on Oracle website where it states we can connect to…
Report FormattingSummary: What formatting was done where the cells look blank and "=$#" only appears when you hover the mouse over the individual cell in the grid editor? It occurs in bo…
Narrative reporting - TOC in BookSummary: Hi All, We are using reports which are having the prompts to be selected by the user. While using the same report in the book and adding the dimensions to show …
Duplicate Prompts in FCC ReportsSummary:While migrating a report from Financial Reports to Reports in Financial Close and Consolidation, the Point of View Prompts no longer allow for duplicate labels i…
ReportWe have a client requirement under that we have dimension called submissions which has 100 members and they want to run the report for all members into different page bu…
Narrative Reporting SV Extenstion and NotesHello, Reviewing the documentation, I need some clarification please. Is this Notes feature (create, edit and add POV based text) available in the NR SV extension? If so…
Narrative Reporting RolesIs there more and/or update information on these roles? For example, Power User Creates and maintains all artifacts, such as models, dimensions, and data grants. I don't…
Preview of border lines of table in report package is different excel reference docletPreview of border lines of table in report package is different excel reference doclet. Hi All, We are facing an issue in the preview of report package. We have added bo…
Dynamic Period in Report Connected to ERP Data SourceSummary: Unable to create a bursting definition in Narrative Reporting that can dynamically spit out monthly report, based on last closed month, when the report is conne…
Is there a way to re-order pages in a standard Report?I have a few pages in standard Report package built in NR. I can see how to add new pages and delete existing ones, but not re-order the pages that I have. Was hoping to…
Can I switch off the "No Data to Display" text for a suppressed report gridI have a Report grid that displays capex spend by program of work categories. Conditional row suppression is used to ensure only the relevant program line items are disp…
How can I work with user defined dimension that exceeds 2 M cells?Summary: I'm currently working with a report with several attributes to displayed. They are needed to label the business units from the user. When trying to run my repor…