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Discussion List
How to create STL 80B for 3 years and MACRS 80B Half year for 39 years depreciation MethodSummary: How to create STL 80B for 3 years and MACRS 80B Half year depreciation Method Content (required): Need to have to information on table having rates for these tw…
Segment Value Security in Fixed AssetsSummary: Content (required): Hi everyone, Does segment value security work on Asset assignments? eg. Would the segment value security for GL Balancing segment work in Fi…
How to define 200DB depreciation method for 39 and 31.5 years asset life?Summary: 200DB depreciation method is missing for life of years 39 and 31.5 Content (required): How to define 200DB depreciation method for 39 and 31.5 years asset life?…
Define Depreciation MethodSummary Define Depreciation MethodContent Hello, We have TV series and we will create a fixed asset for each episode of these series. each episode will be a fixed asset.…
Smart Meter CapitalisationHi, We have a client in the utilities industry and below is their business process. 01) They buy the smart electricity meters from suppliers 02) Then they keep them in t…
Implementing Segment Security over the Asset Category FlexfieldSummary Looking to find out if Segment Security in Asset Flexfields works exactly the same as for Chart of Accounts SegmentsContent Does anyone have any experience of im…
MACRS depreciation not getting calculated for converted AssetsSummary: Assets are converted in the tax books with YTD Dep and Reserve Dep and asset still has a 7 years life. But depreciation is not calculating. This is happening on…
How to renew lease using exercise options in assets module in oracle fusion?Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
DFF details entered in FBDI but its not showing after post mass additionsSummary: DFF details entered in FBDI but its not showing after post mass additions in tax book Content (required) Defined fixed assets DFF - FA_ADDITIONS AND FA_TRANSACT…
Can we have Payment frequency other than options available in the LOV of Lease payment frequency ?Summary: We have a requirement of Lease Payment frequency of 2 years instead of options available in drop down of lease payment frequency while creating lease. Content (…
can we derive the depreciation account based on location segments selectionSummary: Can we derive the depreciation account based on location segment selection Content (required): can we derive the depreciation account based on location segment …
Timing of when to add/update a custom depreciation method to ensure the correct assets are impactedSummary: Looking for guidance on the timing of when to add/update a custom depreciation method to ensure only the intended assets have the new depreciation method applie…
How to trace Fixed Asset with merge/split transactions?Summary: How can we identify that which asset merge/spit asset ? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any co…
How To Delete Mass Addtions Lines With Status "Error"?Summary How To Delete Mass Addtions Lines With Status "Error"?Content Hi Experts, Can you please help in deleting asset mass addition exceptions which over 4000. The use…
can we make Location segment dependent to each other?Summary: We have scenario where we have 7 Location segments and we want to make segments dependent to each other. For example we want to make segment 3 dependent to Segm…
How Assets Added To FA system after Receiving asset itemsSummary: need of expert to explain How Assets items Added To FA system after Receiving !!is it manually added our automatic by some kind of Schedule Process Content (req…
How to Add Original purchase date in Fixed Asset FBDi template?Summary: In which column we can Add Original purchase date in Fixed Asset FBDi template? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): …
Forcast deprciationSummary Forcast deprciation by category and cost centreContent Hello i need one asset report standard or customize query for extract total deprecation for cats per categ…
Is the Process Pending Retirements Criteria available in Oracle Fusion?Summary: In R12, the Process Pending Retirements Criteria is available. But I could not find it in Oracle Fusion. Content (required): In R12, the Process Pending Retirem…
Prepare Mass Additions ADFDI - default category details (depreciation expense, life, etc.)Summary: When using the Prepare All ADFDI spreadsheet for AP Source Lines, adding the Category Segments via querying (double clicking), the category defaults do not popu…
How to update FA lease with a new Recurring Payment Amount on Periodic Lease payment?Summary: On Manage Assets (Fixed Assets -> Assets -> Tasks -> Manage Lease), we want to update a Lease with a Recurring Payment. The Payment Type is 'Periodic lease paym…
How to load bulk of Asset categories using spread sheet/FBDISummary: Hi Expert Can you please advise how to load bulk of Asset Categories using spread sheet/FBDI Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if …
Unable to Upload Mass Addition due to Categories.Summary: Hello, When uploading the assets, I'm getting the following error: This category combination is invalid. Enter a valid category combination. The ADDITION transa…
Is it possible to merge the split asset?Summary: Is it possible to merge the split asset? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets tha…
How to add asset life as 5years 8months 21 daysSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Transfer or adjust large number of assets using spreadsheetsSummary: We have many cases that we must work with large number of assets ( transfer, retire , adjust ..) and takes to much time using spreadsheet Content (required): Wh…
How to deal with CIP assets that related to multiple inovices?Summary: We want to know if we handle the cip assets that releated to multipe invoices in the right way. Content (required): The case is that we have CIP assets , the as…
How to check mass addition process run or not?Summary: We have requirement that If Invoice is created but user forgets to run Mass addition process. So how can we check that Mass addition process is run or not? Is t…
Can we Stop or Avoid Specific or Few Assets not to copy (Mass Copy Transactions) into Tax BookSummary: Is there a way to Stop or Avoid Specific or Few Assets not to copy (Mass Copy Transactions) into Tax Book Content (required): Hi All, Can we Stop or Avoid Speci…
We have requirement to track department for retirement loss or gainSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):