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Discussion List
Assets addition does not make an entry in Accumulated DepreciationSummary: Assets addition does not make an entry in Accumulated Depreciation. We just did an asset addition - the asset is added and the assets entry was to debit the Ass…
Is there an option to adjust cost of Block of asset without changes to the member assetsSummary: Need to load the assets as part of Data Migration and adjust the overall cost of the Block which are retired during the year. Content (required): Is there an op…
Mass Add Additional Source InformationSummary Mass Add Additional Source InformationContent Hi All, we have recently migrated to Oracle Cloud and as part of the data conversion from our legacy system to Orac…
Add Backdated Lease assetSummary: Dear Experts, We are planning to use Lease Functionality and would like to add backdated Finance lease assets in system, request you to please let us know how w…
Not showing periods in the Copy from Corporate button in Tax BooksSummary: Not showing periods in the Copy from Corporate button in Tax Books. Pls suggest is this bug in the system or am i missing any setup. I see all the setups looks …
Fixed Assets Mass Additions Subject AreaSummary: Fixed Assets Mass Additions Subject Area Content (required): Is there any subject area that provides information on Fixed Assets Mass Additions and/or any other…
Is there any option that we could input insurance data of an asset?Summary: Record Insurance-related details in Fixed Asset Content (required): Hi all, There is a client requirement to record asset insurance data along with asset upload…
Mass Transfer not picking up any transactionsSummary Mass Transfer not picking up any transactions - Select Assets for Mass Transactions ending in errorContent Hi SMEs, I would like to get feedback from you if I mi…
How can I change the Asset Cost Account on a single AssetSummary: How can I change the Asset Cost Account on a single Asset Content (required): I need to change the Asset Cost Account on one single Asset. In the Transfer Asset…
How to Assign the Automatic Asset Number Book wise in Oracle FusionSummary How to Assign the Automatic Asset Number Book wise in Oracle FusionContent Hi, How to Assign the Automatic Asset Number Book (Asset Book) wise in Oracle Fusion L…
Run Depreciation for Single AssetSummary Run depreciation for single asset without using Unplanned DepreciationContent Hi all, My requirement is that calculate straight-line method depreciation for a sp…
How to create OTBI analysis that will display Assets with their source lines details?Summary: Need to create an analysis that will display Asset info (number, description) with its source lines details (project, invoice info) Content (required): When cre…
Depreciation Ceiling to be assigned to the individual assetsSummary Can we assign Depreciation ceiling to the individual asset. I understand we can assign at the category level. But is there any way in fusion assets that we can a…
Creating a Lease without generating Payables InvoicesSummary What are the best practices?Content When creating Leases in Fixed Assets, we are selecting Generate Invoices = No This is because the Lessor sends us VAT invoice…
Fixed Assets: Bifurcating Transaction Types for an Asset Facility by Major-Minor CategoriesSummary Fixed Assets: Bifurcating Transaction Types for an Asset Facility by Major-Minor CategoriesContent Hello All, We are working on a BIP report for Fixed Assets whe…
'Impair Assets' & 'Revalue Assets' tasks are not showingSummary 'Impair Assets' & 'Revalue Assets' tasks are not showingContent HI Team, 'Impair Assets' & 'Revalue Assets' tasks are not showing under Fixed Assets--> Assets At…
AP Invoice with FA Category doesn't transferred to FA Interface with the correct CategorySummary AP Invoice with FA Category doesn't transferred to FA Interface with the correct Asset Category when user updated the FA details after Invoice has been savedCont…
Create accounting for AssetsSummary We have scheduled Create accounting for assets to run for weekday (Mon-Fri) We have noticed that the end date is not getting changed.Content We have scheduled Cr…
Fully depreciate in current periodSummary using field "Fully depreciate in current periodContent i am looking for information regarding the field in Fixed Assets "Fully depreciate in current Period". We …
Operating Lease - Lease ExpenseSummary Operating Lease - Lease ExpenseContent Operating Lease: In an operating lease under IFRS 16 both interest and depreciation are charged to P&L. In comparison of o…
Lease dates are in Mid of period but invoices have to be generated at the end of the period (IFRS 16Summary Lease dates are in Mid of period but invoices have to be generated at the end of the period (IFRS 16)Content Hi Team, We are having below lease details where lea…
IFRS 16 Lease entry with Incremental Lease rentSummary IFRS 16 Lease entry with Incremental Lease rentContent Hi Team, Business has a lease agreement where the lease rent are increasing by 3% every period. Lease asse…
Prorate ConventionContent Hi Team, We have a requirement to create a new prorate convention in addition to the existing one. Is there any templates that we can use to upload ? Regards, Vi…
Issue with Create Accounting for Asset job Parameter's ValueSummary The parameter 'Post in General Ledger' is showing as 'No' by default for the job 'Create Accounting for Assets' for specific userContent Hi Team, We are facing I…
Change Lease Interest Expense Account coding for ONLY specific LeasesContent We have a few leases in our Assets module and only 1-2 need to have their Lease Interest Expense accounting changed to something else. Is there a way to change d…
How to Expense an AssetSummary Asset is sitting in dashboard/not posted and need to expense the itemContent We have an asset sitting in the Asset Dashboard that has not posted yet. I changed t…
How to delete an asset with Change in Cost Bonus rule tagged to the asset?Summary How to delete an asset with Change in Cost Bonus rule tagged to the asset?Content Hi Experts, Any suggestions on "How to delete an asset with Change in Cost Bonu…
Select "depreciate" box was missed. How can I mark it to depreciate?Summary Select "depreciate" box was missed. How can I mark it to depreciate?Content Depreciation box was missed and now is not checked or calculating month depreciation.…User_2025-02-05-22-11-22-331 33 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-22-11-22-331
What-If analysis report calculating the new depreciation wrongly for NBV methodSummary What-If analysis report calculating the new depreciation wrongly for NBV methodContent Hi Experts, I ran the What-if analysis report for the given asset. Asset C…
Asset register report not updating the amounts modified in the applicationSummary Entered unplanned depreciation for some assets, posted and accounted those assets, however when extracting Asset Register or another BIP report the changes are n…