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Lease Accounting
Discussion List
Create one payment against multiple assets in the lease accounting contractGood day, While defining a new revenue lease am able to select multiple assets or property to be rented, but whenever am trying to create one payment against all the sel…
Reclassification of lease bookingSummary: As a requirement we need to be able to be able to distinguish the reclassification of long term and short term between that of a lease booking and a reclassific…
how to default options on lease creation page in Fusion lease accountingSummary: Our business wants to default below options in lease creation page in lease accounting. Could you please help us to do. Business Unit Legal entity Asset type pr…
Lease liability calculation using Daily Interest compoundingSummary: We are implementing lease accounting application for a new customer. As per this application, the lease liability is calculated using daily interest compounding…
Lease Details Report Layout ChangeSummary: Change in the Lease Details Report layout? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have noted a change in the Lease Details Report lay…
Amendment to Lease SQMSummary: Amendments to the leasing asset as well as the leasing payments. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): My client has a requirement of m…
When arriving opening lease liability Present value to be calculated from the 1st payment dateSummary: When arriving opening lease liability Present value to be calculated from the 1st payment date Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Wh…
is there any forecast report for projection of liabilities and expense payment in coming 10 years?Summary: is there any forecast report for projection of liabilities and expense payment in coming 10 years for leases? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Available property levels available for rentSummary: Hello, we currently have different malls available for renting, and we need to implement these scenarios in oracle fusion we need to be able to rent the whole m…
Update Lease - ROU fieldSummary: Need to update lease - finance ROU column Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Currently we loaded a lease via FBDI and now the status…
Ability to use an Existing Property/Unit from Active Lease when End Date and Start Date are not overSummary: Ability to use an Existing Property/Unit from Active Lease when End Date and Start Date are not overlapping Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
Accounts payableSummary: It is possible to withhold payment of an invoice for not applying an advance payment? Is there any way to block an invoice due to a pending advance payment? Tha…
Lease Accounting - How to reverse a LeaseI have a lease I need to back out. I understand that once it is in that there is no way to truly reverse it. Wanted to see if the group knew of a way to do this or if th…
Lease Accounting Reports Required for Month-End CloseSummary: Which of the following reports must be ran at the end of the period in order to populate Lease Accounting tables? When creating an integration to ARCS, it was o…
Unable to edit fields in Lease Asset, Lease Start Date and Amount fields.Summary: Client requirement is update the lease asset fields are Lease Start Date and Amount, but unable to do that. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
Getting error while importing payable invoices (Lease accounting invoices)Summary: Customer are importing invoices from lease accounting to payables. Getting error 'Invoice received date is required when the term date basis set to invoice rece…
maintenance of properties in lease accountingSummary: I have a question regarding the maintenance of properties in lease accounting. If we only maintain expense leases and not revenue leases for properties, what is…
Asset LocationSummary: How can you change the asset location of an active lease? And what type of amendment is needed to do this? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
Is there a Fusion Lease Accounting equivalent for the EBS Property Manager Variable Rent feature?Summary: The client is transitioning from Oracle EBS to Oracle Fusion Cloud and they have a lease management/administration requirement involving supporting the calculat…
Property Manager in FusionWe are using Oracle Property Manager in R12. Now we are moving to Fusion. As long as Proprty Manager is not available in Fusion. Then what other customers did. Moved to …
We have requirement to schedule the Quartz Program for Lease Details Report for every 5 minutesSummary: Hi Team, Requesting to help us in scheduling and enabling the Quartz program that runs the background for every 5 minutes and picks up all the booked leases and…
can have a clarification on option typesSummary: can have a clarification on option types? and what will be changed or impact if select below option type? ◦ Allowance ◦ Bargain Purchase ◦ Construction Warranty…
We have a requirement for asset retirement obligation use case from client side.Summary: We have a requirement for asset retirement obligation use case from client side. Please help in suggesting the solution with configuration and process in lease …
Lease cancellation & accumulated amortizationSummary: When Option cancellation Accumulated Amortization also need to be reversed. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When Option cancellat…
What is the functionality behind the 'Rate Adder' field?Summary: Rate Adder field? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Trying to find information on the Rate Adder field. What is its intended use/fu…
Steps to amend the Start Date of an Active LeaseSummary: Steps to amend the Start Date of an Active Lease Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): My customer has the occasional scenario where th…
when will default account "accrued liability" and "right of use adjustment loss" used?・Content : Lease Accounting module has default account "accrued liability" and "right of use adjustment loss". In which accounting method and event/process will these d…
Asset Register for Revenue and Expense LeaseSummary: For Expense Lease, assets should not be added in Fixed Asset Register because in Lease Accounting module, it can already handle the depreciation For Revenue Lea…
Formula for Amortized Liability Balance Method for Lease Liability Reclassification (24C feature)Summary: 24C Feature - Amortized Liability Balance Method for Lease Liability Reclassification Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Please prov…