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Discussion List
How to Write Excel file using stage activitySummary: How to Write Excel file using stage activity Content (required): Hi Expert, I am extracting the data from the database and then i am writing the data using stag…
Webcast Replay: Optimize Oracle SaaS to Accelerate Business SuccessMany companies seek to gain the speed, flexibility, and security features their business requires by moving to SaaS. Yet, many of these companies may not have the in-hou…
generate JWT for outbound REST API using JavaScript library in less than 1.5sSummary: OIC has RESP API connector that expects JWT. As proof of the concept we successfully hardcoded externally generated JWT with expiry date big enough for PoC. But…
How to connect with Share Point through OICSummary: How to connect with Share Point through OIC Content (required): Hi Expert, We have a requirement where we need to connect with share-point and place the file in…
NXSD define trailing optional columnsI am trying to read a csv file in Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC). OIC accepts an xsd file to define the format for the inbound csv file. The issue I'm having is that the…
HTTP Request while invoking REST endpointSummary: would like to see the HTTP request when making third party rest api invocation. OIC is making a call to third party rest api, invocation is successful and recei…
Error while connecting to onprem EBS in OICDear Team, We are trying to create connection with Onprem Oracle EBS with OIC 22.1.1 version and getting the below error, can you please advise on this issue. CASDK-0007…
Integration Error This Position Name already exists in EBSSummary: This Position Name already exists in EBS Content (required): We have Integration for Position from HCM to EBS. Reading File from SFTP, we are facing some issues…
OIC SFTP Integration RequiredSummary: Dear Friends, There is need to know the complete details for the OIC SFTP Integration. Can anyone help me assist on it?. Content (required): OIC SFTP Integratio…
Is it possible to send the payload that the OIC received to a external systemSummary: We are currently developing a integration that needs to send the payload received in the integration. This should dynamic as it would be used in more then one i…
Issue while using scheduleReport SOAP Operation of ScheduleReportWSSServiceSummary Issue while using scheduleReport SOAP Operation of ScheduleReportWSSService from OICContent In OIC, we have configured a SOAP Connection with WSDL URL: https:///…
Namespace Issue while using getScheduledReportOutputInfo SOAP Operation of ScheduleReportWSSServiceSummary Namespace Issue while using getScheduledReportOutputInfo SOAP Operation of ScheduleReportWSSServiceContent Issue with getScheduledReportOutputInfo SOAP Operation…
HCM Rest Api filter by dateHow can we filter the HCM worker api by the LastUpdateDate? Have tried the below:- 1)q=(LastUpdateDate BETWEEN '2017-09-15T00:00:00.000%2b00:00' AND '2022-09-15T00:00:00…
How to convert date into YYYY-MM-DDSummary: How to convert date 28-FEB-23(DD-MM-YY) into YYYY-MM-DD Content (required): Hi Expert, We are receiving the date like 28-FEB-23 from client ,Now we want to stor…
How to get a person's Territoriy(s) in OSC via a REST call.Summary: We're using OIC up update opportunities and we have the email of the person who is passing in the opportunity. We know the territory of the opportunity. I just …
Customer specific ASN creationSummary: Hello Wizards, have you implemented customer specific ASN, real time data exchange (EDI) with 3PLs, Freight Forwarders and Suppliers. Content (required): Hello …Vishnuvarth Subramanian-Oracle 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Vishnuvarth Subramanian-Oracle
Customer specific ASN creationSummary: Hello Wizards, have you implemented customer specific ASN, real time data exchange (EDI) with 3PLs, Freight Forwarders and Suppliers. Content (required): I am l…Vishnuvarth Subramanian-Oracle 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Vishnuvarth Subramanian-Oracle
XML file without namespaceSummary Process xml file with out namespace definitionContent Hi, We have a requirement to integrate with one of the old systems that's still using DTD's to create the x…
Error while creating soapUI project request for Integration WSDLSummary: When I tried to create the SOAPUI project for the integration, I am getting some error Content (required): Error Received: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: org…
Expose Oracle SAAS queries or OTBI Datamodel as rest apiHi All, I know we can create OTBI report and call that using SOAP webservice. But is there a way where we can expose Oracle SAAS queries or Datamodel as rest apis which …
OTBI reports file/payload sizeWe are executing OTBI reports in OIC.I was wondering if the OTBI report brings data which makes the payload size more than 10MB, how do we handle that? What is the best …
For Freight Cost PTO Model CustomCode, How to cut and paste the SDOTRtags from child fline to parentSummary: For PTO Model, freight cost is generated at child level, that should be cut from child level and paste at parent level in custom code but it is generating in ch…
CASDK-0008: Could not retrieve operation versions from connected hub. ( while integrating OIA-DB)Summary: Content (required): Hi team, As we are trying to integrate OIA with database inside OIC and as we start configuring the endpoint for OIA Adapter as the trigger,…
Handle empty csv file with headerHi All We have an integration reading a csv file and which goes on and creates HDL for loading data into HCM. Currently we are facing an issue when an empty csv file whi…
Mutliple REST API and one Restapi as a parameter to other in a page of Visual Builderwant to design a page in Visual Builder in a page require to access the multiple REST API as below /hcmRestApi/resources/{workersUniqID} for person n…
Do we have a JD EDWARD Suite Adapter for integration between JD Edwards & Product HubSummary: We are implementing PDH for a Customer. Do we have a JD EDWARD Suite Adapter for integration between JD Edwards & Product Hub? Content (required): JD Edward Sui…
JwT Token generation in OICHi All, We are trying to consume Oracle SAAS APIs in OIC using REST adapter(not using Oracle SAAS adapter).We followed all the steps in the below document https://www.or…
Rest API to validate accountCombinationsSummary: Has anyone used /fscmRestApi/resources/ API to validate an account combination recently? Links:- REST API for Oracle Financials C…
API to initiate approval for AP InvoicesSummary: Content (required): We found that we can run the ESS Job from OIC and put a wait to initiate the payables invoice approvals, however, we could not find any API …
The connectivity agent zip folder is downloaded empty.Summary: Content (required): Hi team, As I am doing an on-premise Integration of OIC with a database, the connectivity agent that I am downloading after creating an agen…