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Visual Builder Studio
Discussion List
How to temporarily override System Variable faBackendUrlSummary: Content (required): This is how instances are currently set up: dev1 - development instance test - UAT instance We are developing an Application Extension (App …
While we use oj-list-view inside oj-single-select, how do we filter to show matching search result?Summary: To filter list view inside single select as you type. Content (required): In Visual Builder application, there is a single select component which is bound to co…
Deployment Job ErrorSummary: Hi Team, Everytime trying to deploy job getting artifact file not found error although build is generating zip files. Please let me know what is the issue. Cont…
How to fix VB error "Docker executor is deployed, but the build agent is not responding" ?Summary: In Visual Builder we get an error when running a Docker build executor with custom templates/images. Standard images (i.e System Base OL7) work ok with our simp…
AppUi development approach clarificationsSummary: Content (required): We have few clarifications regarding the AppUi development using SaaS provisioned VB Studio. As we understand SaaS provisioned VB Studio is …
Export and Import VBS Project from one Instance to OtherSummary: Export and Import VBS Project from one Instance to Other Content (required): We have installed VBS and developed the project in Instance-1 and Now we have a new…
Accessing Authentication tokenSummary: Accessing git using Authentication token in local system Content (required): We are using federated users and enabled SSO for VBS, but unfortunately federated u…
federated idcs stripe is not visible in the psm servicesSummary: federated idcs stripe is not visible in the psm services Content (required): We have federated around 8 idcs stripes in our instance. Few stripes are not appear…
How Build executor checks the User credentialsSummary: How the Build executor checks the User credentials Content (required): We are trying to enable SSO for VBS, but unfortunately we were not able to create VBS in …
OIC in App ExtensionSummary: Hello, I am trying to build an app extension where few of the setups are not available like segments in Chart of Accounts. I believe we cant use BIP reports in …
Visual Builder Returning Error When Accessing From FusionSummary: How to resolve error for accessing visual builder studio from Fusion Content (required): We are looking to use VB Studio to make selected changes to some pages/…
cannot preview page in page designerSummary: We are using VB Studio provisioned with Fusion SaaS on test pod. We created two environments - #1 to connect to Fusion test pod #2 to connect Fusion dev pod I c…
Are all REST APIs for Fusion Cloud HCM available in VB Studio?Summary: Fusion HCM Cloud REST APIs availability for creating extensions in VB Studio Content (required): I’m trying to create a service connection in VB Studio using th…
List of Value like Oracle ADFDo we have any component for List of Value like Oracle ADF , any popup component to filter it out value
Reviewer Not receiving email for new commits, comments made on rejected Merge requestSummary: Reviewer Not receiving email for new commits, comments made on rejected Merge request Content (required): I am the reviewer for the merge request and I rejected…
Google Map Integration on VBS PageSummary: Hi, We'd like to create a page to show the transaction data (e.g. Sales Quote which has longitude and latitude stored as attributes) on the google map. If you h…
External Web Service using OAUTH 2.0 Client CredentialsSummary: Getting 401 error when connecting to external web service using OAUTH 2.0 Client Credentials Content (required): I am testing VBCS to connect to an external web…
Make build Parameter as MandatorySummary: Build Parameter as Mandatory Content (required): We are hardcoding the branch name in the Build parameters and we want our developers to enter the feature branc…
Various types of Visual BuilderSummary: Hi, Currently there seem multiple of using VBCS, 1) Using OIC 2) PaaS 3) ERP - SaaS, Is there any document that can help in deciding the right visual builder so…
How to export VBCS errors to excel ?Summary: Exporting VBCS errors to excel. Content (required): I am trying to export error from VBCS to excel but I didn`t find any ways to do that. We need to categorise …
Hide GIT Repository and BranchSummary: Hide GIT Repository and Branch Content (required): We don't want to show our script and code to all users. So we would like to store all our .sh files in a diff…
Rename a folder in Git BranchSummary: Rename a folder in Git Content (required): We have exported some files with large folder names to git repository, now when we try to clone the repository to loc…
Calling Services from business rulesTrying to write business object and call paas services and get value behalf of id but getting error , how can i update column value behalf of id Error Calling Services S…
Increase Build timeSummary: Increase Build time Content (required): Hi Teams, We are migrating out data to new instance and running the build jobs with heavy load. Every time the build tim…
How many different possible ways to push the VBCS app code in to GIT Repository.Summary: How many different possible ways to push the VBCS app code in to GIT Repository. Content (required): How many different possible ways to push the VBCS app code …
Unable to set Java Home for new SQLcl version 22Summary: Unable to set Java Home for new SQLcl version 22 Content (required): Previously we were on SQLcl version 19 and our Java version was 1.8. Suddenly one day the S…
For Merge Request send email notification to ReviewerSummary: For Merge Request send email notification to Reviewer Content (required): We would like to send email notification to the reviewer whenever the Merge request is…
How to create a Splash Screen with a timerSummary Splash Screen Content (required): When user open the mobile app it should display a splash Screen and after few seconds it should direct to login page . Is there…
multiple query parameterSummary: I am not able to pass multiple column filter in q parameter URL ?q=attributeNumber1=62&HeaderId=5 Error { "type": "HTTP://…
Can I add a member outside my Org to my ALM project?Summary: I have a Git repository hosted on ALM, that I would like to be able to share with developers outside my org. Content (required): I have a Git repository hosted …