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Visual Builder Studio
Discussion List
VB Studio Project for Bespoke appsSummary: Hi, We are using VB studio provisioned with SaaS test pod for customizing one of the HCM pages. So we already have project created in VB Studio. There is also a…
Is there any simplified VBCS documentation available for Oracle HCM cloud users?Summary: We are aware of the Oracle documentation but would like to know if there is something specific to cloud applications users that might be more in line with Oracl…
Does anyone know how a quarterly update impacts a fusion page extended with VB Studio?Summary: Hi there, We are planning to migrate to NextGen (Redwood) HR Help Desk and plan to customize/ extend Help desk pages with Visual Builder Studio. Does anyone kno…
VB Studio to deploy OIC GEN 3 Integrations and DB ObjectsSummary: Hi, Can VB Studio be used for CI/CD of Gen 3 integrations which are inside Projects (Gen 3 feature). ? Also Can I deploy DB objects using VB Studio ? Content (p…
We need to include approval functionality with the extended application in VBSummary: We need to include approval functionality with the extended application in VB Content (required): We need to include approval functionality with the extended ap…
I need to create a service connection to pull the BPM Approval groups in fusionSummary: I need to pull the approval groups that has been created in Oracle ERP Cloud (Fusion) BPM worklist to start an approval cycle, the problem is I cannot find it w…
"you are not a memeber of this organization" errorSummary: Configuration → Visul Builder I am traying to access Visual Builder Studio to make page personalization on Next generation supplier registration but I am gettin…
how to connect to OIC integration in VBS Excel pluginI attempted to add the following integration URL as a connection in VBS Excel: /ic/api/integration/v1/flows/rest/CLOUDA_BULK_UNHOLD_INVOIC_INTEGR/1.0/getInvoices?invoice…
Error during Visual Application Packaging with Visual Buidler Studio build taskSummary: Can not Build the Packaging task for my VB application deployment JOB See attached log. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): [2024-08-…
Take an image with the Camera ComponentSummary: The camera component works only as a file-picker, but I want to take a picture with it. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, In th…
How to Identify that visual builder page is customizable or not?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
oj-sp-calendar is not getting refreshedHi @Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle , Im using calendar component to display the scheduled event. The page has multiple records for approval and user views the calendar before app…
Clarification regarding VB StudioSummary: I am little confused with the usage of VB Studio which gets provisioned with SaaS and the one we provision for PaaS. Which one we should be using? Is there any …
How to add users to projects and Repositories in Visual builder studio using rest apiSummary: To add users to projects and Repositories in Visual builder studio using rest api Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requi…
VB Studio Build is failing -Hiding components of performance review pageSummary: Trying to make customizations in VB Studio and the jobs keep failing. Please see attached log for more information. I have updated user credentials, tried loggi…
ORDS/OIC Apis used in the VBCS application respond with a 401 authentication ErrorTo solve this problem we had to check the Allow anonymous checkbox option and assign the basic authentication credentials same as that of the “Authentication for Logged …
Updating all OpenAPI operationId's in a VBCS projectSummary: All operationId's in the OpenAPI specification we're using for one of our service connections have changed. How do we update all operationId references (type de…
Uploading Build Output errorSummary: Uploading Build Output error Content (required): Facing the below error when running the build job, Script is executing fine but getting the below error and bui…
Mapping Custom Oracle Cloud Application role to the VB Studio IDCS roles instead of Seeded rolesSummary: We wanted to restrict access to the Visual Builder Studio from Oracle Cloud Applications page even if the user is provisioned with the Oracle seeded roles [Appl…
How to get the images stored in the root of the application to resources folder?Hi, I uploaded a zip folder containing image files into the VB application using the Import option. The imported files are currently stored in the root directory of the …
there any possibilities to override the service connection Base Url in Builds Package in VBS.Summary: Hi Everyone, I am adding a ORDS in Service Connection , for one customization I am using different host in Test and Prod , In Fusion Extension the VBS is enable…
Ability to invoke OIC flows or write to Object Storage from within Visual Builder in SaaSCan anyone confirm for me if we are able to invoke OIC flows and write to Object Storage from within Visual Builder in SaaS (ie, New Application Extension rather than Ne…
Restrict data access based on user type/role.Summary: Hi, We are creating a VBS application based on the Custom Objects. We have a requirement to restrict access to data based on the user type. We have two types of…
How to request "one-time switch to change the VBS wiring from the default Test pod"Summary: I'm reading this blog: "Please raise a service request with following category…" Provides no info on how to do this. From Fusion (How?), from Visual Builder (Ho…
Is there a way to call BIP report in VBS add in excel?Hello, Can anyone provide guidance on how to call the SOAP service to run a report and fetch data in VBS add in excel?
Restricting VB Studio access to AnalystsWe have VB Studio that is provisioned with SaaS and wanted to restrict consultants/analysts users from making changes to redwood pages using VBStudio. The admin access s…
OCI user locked out because of expired VBS PAT (I think)Hi We have an OCI user with a real email address mapped to VBS. We use it as a system user. It has a PAT in VBS. This user makes automatic Git pull/clone requests using …
How to layout a VBS OrganizationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): So, I'm sure the answer to this is "What ever works best for your team", but i'm curious if there…
Deploy build fails with error when trying to deploy on Dev environment.Summary: Details of the error "title": "Matching visual extension already exists", "detail": "Visual extension with matching id site_hcm and version 0.2.1695303924 alrea…
Issue with business objects in VBSSummary: Working with business objects within a workspace Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I have an Issue trying to work with BO in VB…