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Inventory Management
Discussion List
Purchase receipt is getting created in an inactive Inventory OrgSummary: One of the user has performed the receiving in an Inactive Inventory Organization. He was also able to perform Inspections and Put Away in the same Inventory. E…
Can we pick quantity more than the requested quantity on Confirm Pick Slip UI?Scenario:- Please find the image attached, 'Requested Quantity' is 119.3 when user enters 125 in 'Picked Quantity' system does not allow it to do so. Appreciate your adv…
EL expression for Conditional DFF on the basis of transaction typeSummary: I want to make a DFF conditionally required on the basis of a specific movement request transaction type and for that I wrote an EL expression, which is not wor…
How to remove "Create", "Edit" and "Delete" option from Physical Inventory custom roleSummary: Our client wants to assign the approval and post physical inventory adjustment privilegies to some users. We have created a custom role, but we cannot find a wa…
OTBI Report not showing item with Zero On-HandSummary: OTBI Report not showing item with Zero On-Hand Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Team, We have developed OTBI report using subject …
How to create DFF at ASN Level?Can we create DFF at ASN level? If yes then how can we manage the setup.
what is the use of time zone in the inventory org parameter and at the location level?Summary: Hi Guru, what's is the use of the time zone been set at the inventory org parameter and in the location? where will they be used? Content (please ensure you mas…
Rest api SOAP to Service promiseOrganization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): Badger Daylighting Ltd Description (R…
API to Cancel bulk transfer orderSummary: Here I'm looking for three different API To cancel the transfer order To Cancel Confirm Pick To Cancel internal Requisition Content (please ensure you mask any …
How to define a picking rule that will create only one picking for the same itemSummary: We're implementing picking rules for the first time for the organizations. This is mostly for transfer orders that the items should get picked from the locator …
Approve Physical Inventory AdjustmentsSummary: How to approve all lines at one time in the system available to approve just 500 lines and if we have 50000 items we need around 8 hours for approval. Does anyo…
Demand is not showing in Review Item Supply and DemandSummary: When we are trying to check items in review item supply and demand, we noticed that the demand for work order is not showing. Data that we can see are only supp…
How do you change the parent lot on a lot?After a lot record has been saved, you don't seem to be able to change the parent lot ever again. Is there a process to allow the changing of the parent lot to that reco…
inventoryReplenishRequests Rest API not processing the requestSummary: We have configured PAR Replenishment for Count Method and On Hand Type. We Tried to Process the Replenishment Request from Rest API through Postman by passing t…
How is the Category Name derived in the Manage Item Quantities PageSummary: What is the derivation logic or setup for the Category Name in the Manage Item Quantities Page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ve…
Approval before Transfer Order creation at "Not Started" status created through SCO?Summary: We are creating Transfer Order through Planning Workbench. So it will route through Supply Chain Orchestration. Before creation of Transfer Order, the status at…
ABC analysisHi, I want to know how items are segregated / split based on ABC classification in Oracle. I have selected ABC assignment based on On hand quantity and I have created a …
is there any standard report showing the discrepancies in the receipts against PO or ASN?Summary: Once we received a shipment from the vendor, is there any report showing the discrepancies of what we received and what is existing in the ASN shipment? Content…
What is the best possible migration approach for unbilled GRNsSummary: Hello Oracle Experts! We are facing a challenge in migrating the unbilled GRNs. The value and the volume of the unbilled GRNs are huge in number and so the clie…
Question on Over-receiving.Summary: Is there a way to over-receive after the PO line has been closed for receiving? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a require…
Ship confirmation of Finished Goods with no sales orderSummary: We want to know the feasibility to do ship confirmation (shipping) of finished goods without sales order. Can you please let us know is there a feasibility in O…
prevent RETURN after GRNSummary: How to prevent users from initiating Return once GRN is generated against a PO and its accounting is completed in Oracle Fusion Content (please ensure you mask …
User is able to enter a future date in the Tax Invoice Date while creating GRN.Summary: User is able to enter a future date in the Tax Invoice Date while item receiving through inventory management. Please advise how to prevent this. Content (pleas…
How to modify transfer order customer name which is populating requesterSummary How to modify transfer order customer name which is populating requesterContent How to modify transfer order customer name which is populating requester
Kanban Workarounds in Cloud FusionSummary: Hello, I need to implement Kanban in the cloud, but it hasn't been released yet. Could you please inform me about the roadmap and when it is expected to be rele…
Items with Pallets need to be sent to clients and returnedSummary: The business needs to track the Pallets they send to customers, and then have them the returns of empty pallets. It is also necessary to send back the Pallets t…
Unable to Process the Replenishment Request from Rest APISummary: We have configured PAR Replenishment for Count Method and On Hand Type in our instance and provided Inventory Manager, Warehouse Manager, Supply Chain Operation…
Fetch current onhand for a particular location and lot using rest apiSummary: We want to fetch the current on-hand detail inventory response for a specific location and lot using a REST API. Tried using the locationName on the onhanddetai…
How to make Bulk receiving of Purchase ordersSummary: Bulk receiving of Purchase Order How to make Bulk receipt and is there an option for upload Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if a…
Rest api for Business unitSummary: Hi Is there any Rest API to get Business unit and ORGANIZATION_CODE details? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the…