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Discussion List
Not able to see other Charge Type in LOV while creating Pricelist/Pricelist ChargeSummary: Not able to see other Charge Type in LOV while creating Pricelist/Pricelist Charge Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are looking…
Option of creating custom accounts in File import and export secured by duty rolesSummary: We are looking to create Custom Accounts which can be available in the File Import and Export tool - Account dropdown. Also we want to explore possibility of se…
Create Base price based on Matrix ClassWe are trying to configure Base Price of an Item (Not Adjustment) based on Ship To and Ship From Postal codes. Found a Matrix class 'Base Price for Price List Charge' in…
24B feature Adjust Price According to the Item's Category functionality is not working as expectedHi All, While testing the 24B feature Adjust Price According to the Item's Category, at sales order creation we are getting error as Pricing : The attribute-based adjust…
We wanted to access PVO for attached page- item pricing strategy.Summary: We wanted to access PVO for attached page- item pricing strategy. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We wanted to access PVO for att…
Define Pricing based on customer class from Customer masterSummary: We want to define Price list based on Customer class from Customer master. Currently we are using seeded functionality of customer Profile values & Segment. Is …
Send Request ship date to OIC along with other attributeSummary: Hi Experts, Need a quick help. We are following the Oracle document to get cost from costing module. Oracle document to get cost from costing- https://docs.orac…
Multiples price list para intercompnbai basada en (ship from) and (ship to)Business Case. It is required to have different price flows, according to the configuration of SCFO These are internal transfers of materials that are executed by using …
Service Mappings: Price list LineSummary: Hi Team, I have created one Descriptive Flexfields for on Price item list lines. this needs to be used as part of pricing calculation in Algorithm. Would like t…
Is it possible to reprice Sales Orders and Apply Discount Based on Current DateHello Experts, Our expectation is to reprice old Sales Orders and have the Discount Lists active as of the date of repricing, to be applied to the order We are having in…
How to reprocess Pricing FBDI Batch Name which failed in the first executionSummary: How to reprocess Pricing FBDI Batch Name which failed in the first execution Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to mas…
Update ATO component price using pricing algorithmSummary Update ATO component price using pricing algorithmContent WE would like to capture the line discounts in an EFF and update the line price by algorithm customizat…
Bulk upload of shipping chargesSummary: Hi Team, I couldn't find FBDI or REST API to create the shipping charges, Thus, want to know if there is any way to upload huge volume of shipping charges. Than…
How to Price a Transfer Order Line Based on a Specific Value Passed in DFF Field at Line Level?Summary: How to Price a Transfer Order Line Based on a Specific Value Passed in DFF Field at Line Level? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): B…
Unable to remove Sales Pricing Strategy Assignment Matrix class condition due to an errorHello Experts, When I remove some of the condition columns from Sales Pricing Strategy Assignment, I am getting below error. View row with key oracle.jbo.Key[null ] is n…
Price list derivation based on the Customer Ship to AddressSummary: We have a requirement where we want to maintain same items in more than one price list at different rates and based on the customers ship to address we need to …
TO Interfaced to OM with error: A pricing strategy for the transaction couldn't be derived.Hello Experts, Business wanted to have Pricing Strategy to be used when they create Transfer Order for Internal Material Transfers. We cannot achieve this with seeded fu…
How to use pricing formula in Oracle CloudSummary: How to use pricing formula in Oracle Cloud Pricing Content (required): Client has a requirement to adjust the sales order total price by considering the value i…
How to reflect correct price on SO line, when implementing "Override Base List Price" ?Hi @Mekala Hanu Teja-Oracle , @Srilekha-Oracle, @Anuradha - User352 -Oracle , @Shyam_Patel , We have implemented the following solution: Created EFF at Item in PIM to St…
Updating Matrix adjustment using ADFDI while pricing method is cost MarkupSummary: Hi Experts, We are maintaining price list as "Cost + Markup" with Matrix adjustment to add some markup on top of the Net cost (Net cost = Cost + Markup). While …
Extend Pricing Algorithm on OM to get cost from Oracle Fusion Costing -> getting errorSummary: Extend Pricing Algorithm on OM to get cost from Oracle Fusion Costing Has any one extended pricing algorithm to get standard cost.…
How to derive sales order line price by adding multiple price components other then Price List priceSummary: It is very critical in our implementation program and we don't have any solution or workaround. you support is very critical to meet our milestones. We want to …
Flat shipping chargesHi Team, I am following the steps mentioned in the document id for shipping charges SCM: Pricing: How To Apply a Flat Rate Shipping Charge on an Order (Doc ID 2270159.1)…
Pricing (Discount rules) Service Mapping - Populate AR Lines DFFSummary: Business requirement. There is a need to populate information from Pricing discount rule DFF to an AR Line DFF. Is it possible to accomplish this through Servic…
Derive Pricing strategy based on customer master DFF in pricing assignmentsSummary: We have requirement where we need to use the Customer Master DFF as one of the conditions in pricing strategy assignments. Please suggest how to achieve this fu…
Use the CustomerPricingProfile Entity in ProgramEligibility ServiceSummary: I want to be able to qualify channel programs based on entities in the customer pricing profiles. I see the entity for customer pricing profiles in the PriceReq…
Customer (Party) DFF Pricing AdjustmentSummary: Pricing Adjustment for one of the attributes from Customer Header Level DFF Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have requirement t…
New condition column in discount list. A connection to the server has failed. (status=504)Summary: Freight Discount List – Adding new condition column in Attribute Based Rule Section. Summary: I need to add a new condition column called “Category In ( In Hier…
Price or Reprice based on EFF date at headerSummary Pricing or re pricing of order has to be based on EFF Date of sales order headerContent Hello, We have a requirement where Pricing / Re pricing to be based on EF…
Discount list based on AccountSummary: hi I am trying to Add the Attribute base Discount to Work on Account Level working on Matrix Classes - Pricing Term Adjustment the Compare to Attribute is :Head…