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Discussion List
Apply Discount in Sequence in oracle fusion pricing.Summary: Business Case : This is required because we want to accumulate discount from first 2 discounts and in final discount wanted to use certain % on that value to ge…
Details about View Object which is being used when creating a custom function for pricing algorithm?Summary: I am trying to understand the details about View Object which is being used when creating a custom function for pricing algorithm. In the attach document in thi…
Default/Derive price from a pricelist which is associated at customer Bill to /Ship to Site DFFSummary: How to derive sales price from a pricelist which is associated at customer Bill to /Ship to Site DF Content (required): We would like to default the pricelist o…
How to make delete button and delete action on pricing strategy to invisibleSummary: Hi all, I have a business requirement to make the delete action invisible. I've tried using "page composer," but the options seem blocked. Do you have any other…
How to create simple discounts for component items using REST API or FBDI in oracle cloudHi Team, We have a requirement to create simple discounts for model component items using REST API or FBDI in oracle cloud. We tried using REST-API but couldn't achieve …
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-56735: elapsed time limit exceeded - call abortedSummary: when updating the cost list which has 70K records getting this error java.sql.SQLException: ORA-56735: elapsed time limit exceeded - call aborted Content (pleas…
Expected discount list not getting appliedSummary: We have multiple discount lists attached to a single strategy and the item is present in all 3 discount lists. In the first discount list we have a tier conditi…
Apply Flat Rate Markup to Sales order line regardless of line QuantitySummary: Hello Experts, Currently our Price Lists are defined so that we use Discount Lists to add 'Markup Amounts' to the unit Price. This means if the markup is 0.003 …
How to apply discount on primary uom while billing is in secondary uom in sales order line.Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable) Hi Experts I am facing problem in sale…
Is it possible to Delete Pricing Data from Interface Tables using invocation from OIC?Summary: We are importing price list data from external systems using standard FBDI import program invoked from OIC. Before every import we need to clean pricing interfa…
Pricing Strategy Assignments don't recognize Channel method conditionSummary: Client wants to add channel method as new condition in “Manage Pricing Strategy Assignments”, Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): SET…
"Undo" Functionality in Price List ADFdi?Our client is asking if the ability to undo recent imports/edits in the Price List ADFdi tool exists. The previous system implementer told the client that an undo button…
How to round discount unit price to 2 Decimal before it is multiplied with QuantitySummary: Manage Currency : Precision :2 Extended Precision : 2 Manage Rounding Rule : Rounding to Precision, Round to : 2, Direction : Standard We have a SO with item : …
Default Customer Pricing Profile to DFF on SO EFFHi, We have a requirement where we need to default on the DFF from the customer pricing profile to the Sales order EFF. I need help with the extension for this requireme…
We want the list price to be updated based on different attributesSummary: While using Subscription Management, we want to bill evergreen subscriptions i.e. the bill lines are going to be generated for each month, we have two attribute…
About roundingSummary: When performing rounding of the total amount of unit price x quantity in order processing, there are three possible patterns: rounding off, rounding down, and r…
Changing existing USD Currency Extended Precision of 5 to support 6 decimals in live environmentSummary: We are live with Oracle Financials and the USD Currency is set up with an Extended Precision of 5 and a Standard Precision of 2. Will be live with initial phase…
I am looking for REST API to add a Currency Conversion List and Shipping Rules to a Pricing StrategyI am looking for REST API to add a Currency Conversion List and Shipping Rules to a Pricing Strategy.As per my knowledge I does not exist but I wanted some kind of confi…
Pricing Administration: define different prices based on customersSummary: Sales team needs to have different prices based on customer for the same item. Example: Item A Price: 10usd if customer is "Customer123" Item A Price: 12usd if …
While performing Mass Upload through Pricing Batch FBDI looking answers for followingSummary: We are trying to mass upload from Pricing batch FBDI and require answers for following Maximum records/lines that can be passed? Is there a rollback mechanism i…
Accessing custom object from pricing algorithmIn our implementation we need to generate manual adjustments based on custom logic. The logic is based on a custom matrix saved in a custom object. We have implemented i…
Not able to find the step 'Evaluate Pricing Matrices' in Algorithm setupHi team, We are trying to execute a Pricing customization to calculate the discount list based on a EFF from sales order line. We are following the document attached, ho…
Sales Order tax computationSummary: How can I setup Tax calculation for Sales Order? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if a…
Oracle cloud fusion order management pricing how to create discount rule for all units of measure?Hi, we have a requirement to create an attribute based discount rule in discount list, that should be applied to all items. However, when I click all items level the UOM…
"Restrict the selling price beyond the set limit."Summary: We have a requirement to "restrict the selling price beyond the set limit." For eg: There is an item "Item A", with pricelist "500 AED". Client wants to restric…
what is the maximum "path" ( end point url's ) we can call in single payload using batch API option.Summary: Can you please share the details what is the maximum "path" ( end point url's ) we can call in single payload using batch API option. Oracle documentation https…
Pricing Algorithm : custom lookup / webservice / PLSQL codeHi Team, We are trying to implement R12 pricing to Oracle Fusion Pricing. We could see some of customization in R12 pricing by using custom lookups and PLSQL API's for m…
how to add a misc fee or recovery fee to a sales orderSummary: We have a requirement to add miscellaneous charges or recovery fees to a sales order. Is there a way to achieve the same in oracle fusion? Content (please ensur…
Pricing Profile compare to Attribute is not available in Channel Program Eligibility Matrix ClassHi, We want to use a custom rebate qualifier based on the customer pricing profile (Cost to Serve, Revenue Potential, Customer Value, Customer Rating, Customer Size). Ho…
Sales Order New Price List Creation and Existing Price List Update IssuesFor New Price List you have create a new one Prices from this price list. For updating existing Price List, And update the prices of items: Could not Upload using Pricin…