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Posttransformation defaulting rule

edited Apr 2, 2017 1:09PM in Order Management 6 comments


Posttransformation defaulting rule release error



We have a scenario, where Schedule ship date should be defaulted based on demand class. If demand class is Rush, then SSD should be current date + 1, etc. For testing this, i tried configuring the Bucketset from manage posttransformation defaulting rule Task. In bucketset i didn't added all demand classes.

Then submitted the generate bucketset.with parameters

bucketset name as SRVC Demand Class

View object as  DOO_Order_Headers_V

where clause as SRVC Demand Class.Code = DOO_Order_headers_Demand_Class_Code

then defined the rule by selecting the list of values as High priority, low priority and otherwise in condition

Howdy, Stranger!

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