Receivables - Customer Notes at Site Level
Is there a way to create a Note at Site Level?Content
We are on Release 11 of Oracle Cloud Financials.
The requirement is to create notes at Site Level but there seems to be no option for it.
The navigation we follow is Collections > Customer > Query the customer > Select the Entity (Party, Account) > Go to Notes Tab > Create a note
In the same view, we are allowed to select the Site (it gets highlighted) > Go to Notes Tab > Create a note (but it gets created at Account Level and not Site)
This is where we stand so far:
1. Notes are stored in the table called ZMM_NOTES in the NOTE_TXT column, there is a column called SOURCE_OBJECT_OBJECT code which holds values like 'CUSTOMER_PARTY' and 'CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT'. This is fine, keeping in mind that in our environment notes were never created at Site Level