Use Dropshipment functionality for expense items ?
Is it possible to use Oracle drop-shipment flow for a expense item.?Content
My client provides device installation services to its customers. But instead of doing the installation itself, it outsources it to third party vendors. We want to model this as a drop-shipment flow in Oracle cloud, even though there is no real shipment happening. We will define the installation service as an expense item in the system.
Creation of a sales order should automatically trigger a purchase requisition and PO. and the supplier invoice should trigger the PO receipt and customer shipment and invoice.
I have gone through the documentation and also the release training (R11). As far as I understood, the drop-shipment feature in Oracle is predominantly for Inventory items. Therefore will like to know if it is possible to use the drop-shipment functionality for an expense items too and if there are any possible issues that we should be aware of. Please provide your inputs.