Configure to Route a Supplier Initiated Profile Change Request to Users with Specific Application Ro
How to assign a group of users, with a specific application role, to receive approval notification for Supplier Initiated Profile Change Requests?Content
You may have use case to route a change request for supplier profile to a group of users whom you have designated to review the supplier profile changes and take appropriate actions. Using the FSM task ‘Manage Supplier Profile Change Approvals’, you can achieve this by selecting routing to:
An approval group, which has all the users you want to notify for approval, or
All your Supplier Administrators or Supplier Managers.
Using an approval group allows you to route change requests to a fixed set of users, who are part of the group, irrespective of their job roles. Whereas you can use seeded Supplier Administrator and Supplier Manager job roles to route the change requests to your users with these roles. We use these seeded job roles to provide an out of the box change requests routing.