Discussion List
Setting Up Project and Workspaces in VB Studio to Extend Next Generation Supplier Registration PagesSummary: In our post Extending the Next Generation Supplier Self-Service Registration Pages, we provided steps using which you can extend the next generation supplier se…Piyush Singh-Oracle 3.6K views 51 comments 5 points Most recent by Piyush Singh-Oracle Supplier Management
Can we trigger email from supplier registration process after approved to internal requesterSummary: Requirement is to trigger email based on DFF value in external redwood supplier registration page after supplier approved to onboard Content (please ensure you …
REDWOOD: DFF size changes in setup and maintenance are not reflecting in redwood pagesHi All, We have updated the size of Text Box DFF in setup and maintenance but it is not reflecting in next gen self service registration pages. Can you please let us kno…
Can DFFs be added as search parameters while doing Supplier Search?We have defined some DFFs at supplier level. We want to use them as search parameters while querying for Supplier(s) in 'Manage Suppliers' screen. How can we utilize DFF…
values are missing in lookup 'JEES_EURO_COUNTRY_CODES'.Summary: We are using lookup 'JEES_EURO_COUNTRY_CODES' in a query to fetch country name from country code. But this lookup does not have values for Country_Code = 'NZ' i…
How to create a Partner from Existing Supplier?Summary: Is there a way to add Party Usage of Partner to the Suppliers in Fusion via FBDI /Webservices/SOAP The Customer is already using Suppliers in Oracle Fusion. Req…Anubha Vijayvergiya-Oracle 6 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Anubha Vijayvergiya-Oracle Supplier Management
Redwood External supplier registration page customization using visual builderSummary: Redwood External supplier registration page customization using visual builder Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Business Requireme…
Redwood New Generation Supplier Registration page in EnglishSummary: Hi all, Could someone please guide me on how I can login to the new external supplier registration page in the 'English' language? In the previous version I use…
Supplier Portal remove the access to see PO Details from View Invoices pageSummary: We want to be able to remove the option to view the PO details from the view Invoices. From the view invoices if they click the PO, the system open the PO infor…Diego Schenquermam 9 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa Carrick - Oracle-Oracle Supplier Management
Extending the Next Generation Self-Service Supplier Registration PagesSummary: Extending the Next Generation Self-Service Supplier Registration Pages Content (required): This post explains how to use Visual Builder to extend the new suppli…Piyush Singh-Oracle 14.4K views 248 comments 12 points Most recent by Javier Zakzuk Supplier Management
How to provide Supplier Portal access to site level details?Currently, in supplier portal, supplier cannot see Site level information. We want to enable supplier to have access to site level information too. How can that be enabl…
Updating or Creating a New Supplier? What is the best approach?Summary: Is there any recommended approach for updating current inactive suppliers (multiple suppliers)? What would be the best approach whether to update existing suppl…
25A Mandatory Feature: Include Contacts in Supplier Inactivation Process can be Off?Summary: The business is requesting confirmation on the following: If a supplier is active but has not had any transactions for a long time, will this feature automatica…
Internal Supplier Profile Change ApprovalsSummary: Hi, We have a requirement to trigger approval whenever supplier contact is added to the supplier. But currently we are unable to configure as there no contacts …
Steps change tool tip message on next generation supplier registration pageSummary: How to change tool tip message on next generation supplier registration pageI am looking forward to re-name the field in supplier registration page and attachme…
How to hide the supplier contact user account region in a specific supplier registration flowSummary: When registering a supplier, requesters can also request user accounts for the supplier contacts. The option is available in the self-service (external) registr…
Does assigning user as a Resource for the Contract organisation consume Contracts licenceSummary: We want to allow Buyers and some other fusion users (legal team) to edit the contract terms, when the contracts are created. I believe this can be done via User…
How do we give supplier access to see only their items in the Supplier Portal?Summary: How to limit Supplier Access to Items in the Portal to the ones in PIM associated to their trading partner Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
Not getting the access code in Next Generation External Supplier Registration.Summary: Hi All, Am not getting the access code while testing the Redwood Next Generation External Supplier Registration, tried with multiple email ids, but still unable…
Doing Page customization on Supplier Portal in production instanceSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, We are looking for inputs on how we can do the page customizations for supplier portal in…
How to initiate a notification through standard/custom from supplier registration pageThere is a business requirement at the supplier registration page, where once supplier provide response on the questions raised notification need to be initiated to mult…
Kit components in sales orderSummary: Kit components in sales order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I want to add a kit to a sales order and define its components (Ite…
What is the best approach for SIRET and SIREN numbers for french suppliers ?Summary: Hello, Someone know which field I can use for the information SIRET and SIREN for french supplier ? plz Content (required): For french supplier, we would like t…
Change Labels on Next Gen Supplier Self Service Registration (Redwood UI)Need to change a few labels within the new Next Generation Supplier Self Service Registration (mandated in 25A) that is in the Redwood Ul, also need to add 'help' or 'ho…
How to restrict user access to a specific suppliers in Oracle Fusion?Summary: How to restrict a user access to specific customers/suppliers in Oracle Fusion? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi support, is th…
Modify the fields in Supplier RegistrationSummary: Hello Team, Please confirm if the supplier registration fields can be modified e.g., Make the supplier name as UPPER CASE, hide certain fields on redwood enable…
Unable To Enable Prompt Message In Next Generation Supplier RegistrationSummary: We have enabled “Prompt” message and field “Renamed”, please refer to below screenshot. Requirement: We are planning to enable the “Next Generation Supplier Reg…
PRC:POZ: After Enabling DFF for The Supplier Profile Page Still The Fields are Not Appearing ?Summary: How To Enable Supplier Descriptive Flexfield (DFF)? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Although I follow up the action plan to…Gabriel Kinovisques 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gabriel Kinovisques Supplier Management
Re-send in bulk password reset / welcome email to supplier user accountsSummary How to re-send in bulk the password reset / welcome email to existing supplier user accountsContent Hi Experts, We have a requirement to re-send welcome email / …
Is it possible to hide Migrated POs for Suppliers to view from supplier portalSummary: Hi Team, We have a scenario where we are looking for a solution/workaround to hide the migrated purchase orders to suppliers in Supplier Portal. Content (please…Praveen Varada - SELA 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ravi Kumar-Oracle Supplier Management