Discussion List
Downstream impacts for Supplier Profile Attachment CategoriesSummary: When attaching documents etc. to the supplier profile there are 5 categories to select. What are the downstream impacts of each category? Content (please ensure…
Please advise if it's possible to enable visibility of line DFFSummary: Please let me know if it's possible to enable visibility of line DFF (Descriptive Flexfield) on the ISP invoice. If not, could you guide how to make it visible …
Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement - Original Supplier Registration for External Users Retired in 25ASummary In Oracle Fusion Cloud Update 25A, we will retire the original Supplier Registration flow in Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement. This flow enables external users to…
How to set supplier type filed value default as Supplier and other valued should not come in fieldSummary: Hi on Next Gen New Supplier Registration portal, on Supplier value needed in Supplier Type field, other Value should not come in field LOV on company details pa…
As part of data cleanup, is it possible to inactivate supplier sites in bulk?Summary: As part of data cleanup, is it possible to inactivate supplier sites in bulk? We have many active suppliers with sites that should no longer be active. Is it po…
Can Visual Builder Studio be used to add text to top of Next Generation Supplier Registration pages?Summary: Is it possible, using Visual Builder Studio (VBS), to add explanatory text to the top of the Next Generation Supplier Registration (NGSR) Redwood pages? As show…
Mandatory attachments in supplier portalSummary: We made the attachment as a mandatory field during Invoice creation in ISupplier Portal. Yet we were able to submit the Invoice without attaching any documents.…
supplier definition level the combination of site name + procurement BU is uniqueWe need investigate please if at supplier definition level the combination of site name + procurement BU is unique which I believe is true. Meaning that if for a supplie…
How to enable and disable taxpayer ID field based on supplier type selectedSummary: When supplier selects tax organization type as foreign, taxpayer id fields shall be greyed out/disabled. When any other tax organization type is selected, only …
Understanding and Configuring the New Supplier NotificationSummary What is the new supplier notification and how to configure it?Content New Supplier Notification is an email only notification that the application sends to suppl…
How can we extract all Suppliers Registration number?Summary:How can we extract all Suppliers Registration number? Supplier Tax registration is added at Supplier>Address>Click Address name>Transaction Tax>Tax Registration …
Give access to the Business user to submit invoices on behalf of a bunch of suppliersSummary: Is there any functionality or workaround to Give access to the Business user to submit invoices in ISP on behalf of a bunch of suppliers Content (please ensure …Suresh Madaparthi 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MiaM-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Person ManagementSummary: How to update the business unit manually in Oracle ERP (Business unit, Location , Legal Entity) on UI of person management Content (please ensure you mask any c…Ashish Tralsawala 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anca Putanu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Terminated EmployeeSummary: To activate (Active - payroll) an terminated employee from UI of person management . We want to process the outstanding expense charges Content (please ensure y…Ashish Tralsawala 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anca Putanu-Oracle Human Capital Management
is there any standard way on Creation of Employee as SupplierSummary: We are currently working on an integration to import the employee expenses from Concur to Oracle Fusion for expenses reimbursement and in most of the cases the …Sudhakar Naralasetti 43 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ravi Kumar-Oracle Supplier Management
DFF fields enabled in FUSION SCM using task Manage Supplier DFF how to make enable in business ruleDFF fields enabled in FUSION SCM using task Manage Supplier DFF and all fields are visible on the Next Gen New Supplier Registration portal under the company details. Bu…Dharmendra24Kumar 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Santhosh Cholleti-Support-Oracle Supplier Management
Creating an Existing Party as a SupplierSummary How to establish a supplier relationship for an existing partyContent In today’s competitive business environment, organizations must continuously strive to opti…
Is there any limit on the number of attachments that can be imported for Suppliers?Summary: Is there any limit on the number of attachments that can be imported for Suppliers? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We are wo…
Tax Compliance CheckSummary: We have a requirement to have a TAX compliance check at the supplier portal while loading invoices. Can you discuss this possibility with existing products or a…Hassan Azab-Oracle 2 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Hassan Azab-Oracle Supplier Management
Restrict Purchase order visibility on supplier portalSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement where we want a particular type of PO (based on document style) to not be visible on the supplier portal. Is there any setup to de…
Security - Supplier/Customer PortalSummary: Security - Supplier/Customer Portal Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Looking for a high level summary of how Oracle customers typi…Ramya Rajeevana Makina-Oracle 56 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Jeff Hare CPA CISA CIA Supplier Management
How to not require Workflow when an Attachment is made to the Supplier ProfileSummary: We are looking for a way to exclude workflow from building when an attachment in made to the Supplier Profile. In the "Configure Supplier Registration and Profi…
Disable Analytics infolet from Supplier PortalSummary: Disable Analytics infolet from Supplier Portal Content (required): Is there a way we can remove the Analytics infolet from Supplier Portal. We tried Page Custom…
How to migrate supplier level PDF or document attachments from EBS to CloudHow to migrate supplier level PDF or document attachments from EBS to Cloud
Supplier Spend Authorization Action by Approval Information Is Getting Overlapped In Backend Table.Summary: Problem Description --------------------------------------------------- Issue Description: Supplier Spend Authorization Action by Approval Information Is Gettin…Karthick.bhaskaran 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ankit Khandelwal-Oracle Supplier Management
Can we add type of file while supplier registrationSummary: I can see currently while onboarding the supplier, in the attachment section we have below types: File Text URL I want to know if we can control this? Can we ad…
Validate supplierWe need to validate suppliers using API integration. Is it possible to fetch API data in real-time? The system should validate PAN, GST, and bank details in real-time be…
I can't insert or add receiving information at the supplier site levelHi, I can't insert or add receiving information at the supplier site level. The fields are disabled. How can I enable them? I attached the screen. Thanks .
How to add new Prefix type to Supplier ContactsHi Team, We have a requirement to add new Salutation to Supplier Contacts. If anyone come across such requirements please share your inputs. Thanks in advance! BR, RaviRavi-Palacharla-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sandeep Nayak-Oracle Supplier Management
Bulk amend Supplier TypeSummary: I would like to update the Supplier Type field within the Supplier Profile. This is to add a Supplier Type to a blank field and also correct existing fields. Is…