Hired requisition specific candidate statuses
functionality of multiple hired req specific candidate statusesContent
A few months ago I created a new requisition-specific candidate status (RSCS) called Background Check. A candidate goes from Offer Extended to Background Check using a next step called Offer Accepted. Once the background check is completed, the candidate's RSCS moves to Hired.
Both the Background Check and Hired RSCS are "Hired" RSCS.
When I move a candidate from Background Check to Hired, I get an error that says, "The number of candidates to be set as hired exceeds the number of openings for the requisition". I think it's because both the Background Check and Hired RSCS are "Hired" RSCS. Once a candidate accepts our job offer the background check begins. The majority of our background checks are cleared so I want the requisition to fill and decrement the # of openings as soon as a candidate is in Background Check RSCS.