Payables Invoice matching to specific receipt distribution not working
Line Distribution allocation is always prorated when PO line has multiple distributions, Why?Content
Scenario: PO#100 Line 1 (100 qty) with 2 PO distributions i.e. 60%-40%
Line 1 - Distribution 1 60% (PO charge Account # 300)
Line 1 - Distribution 2 40% (PO Charge Account# 600)
- PO line 1 Distribution 1 qty 60 is receipted (Note: Receipt screen shows 2 lines based on distribution and only Distribution 1 is receipted)
- AP invoice created and matched to PO#100 (received qty 60)
Prompts a warning message: "This doc has multiple distributions. Continue to prorate the amounts to all distributions or cancel to allocate purchase order distributions"
Expected behaviour: AP invoice should match and auto allocate received qty 60 to Distribution account#300 .