Cash Receipt processing for Open AR and Misc Cash activity on same payment instrument
How do we process a Customer payment that is a combination of Open AR Transaction(s) and miscellaneous cash receipt activity, in one Cash Receipt transaction?Content
Overview - We are a municipal entity. We process AR Invoices for utilities using Standard Memo Lines. In addition, we have lots of miscellaneous cash activities that customers will pay for that are never invoiced, such as pet licenses, facility rental deposits, etc. In addition to Automatic Receipts and Lockbox payments, customers make payments in person and mail in cheques directly to City Hall.
Scenario –When a customer wants to submit one cheque to pay for their utility invoice balance and a pet license, how can that be processed in one cash receipt transaction? We do not want to create a separate invoice for the pet license in order to apply the cheque to both transactions. Processing time for face to face transactions would be too long and negatively impact customer service.