How to customize Price, Quantity and Amount Fields to make them Read Only on Approver Edit
Document that captures the steps to follow to customize Approver checkout flows to make Price, Quantity or Amount read onlyContent
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I am going to go ahead and take an educated prediction that this article will have a lot of patronage and viewership.
A lot of you have asked about similar requirements. This article deals with steps you can use to customize approver editable requisitions to make Price, Quantity or Amount fields read only.
The attached document has the relevant steps and screenshots.
While the business requirement that this satisfies varies from customer to customer, the commonality is simply that during an approver checkout, based on certain types of approvers, organizations do want to retain the details submitted by the requester as-is to maintain the integrity of the data. In many of these cases, these attributes are based on agreements negotiated with suppliers and so having them non-editable just makes functional sense.