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Working with additional attributes (DFF)

edited May 13, 2019 2:45AM in Product Master Data Management 2 comments


Working with additional attributes (DFF)


1. How can I configure DFF items manage at Master level? When I create a new item and add a DFF, DFF at child organizations is added too. But when I update DFF value at Master Org, DFF value at child orgs is not updated.

2. Can I set special validation for DFFs such as combination of 3 attributes must be unique? i.e: item1 has DFF1: A / DFF2: B / DFF3: C, item2 can have DFF1: Z / DFF2: Y / DFF3: C. But item3 cannot have DFF1: A / DFF2: B / DFF3: C because the combination of 3 DFF between item1 & item3 is not unique.


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