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ESS Job for Refreshing Inherited Values After Control Level ChangeSummary: Hello , We have completed the item conversion, and some attributes were defined at the Organization Control Level. We have now changed the control level from Or…
Item Structure load : Reference Designator IssueUnable to Load reference designator in Item Structure. We loaded Item Structure in Fusion instance structure, components loaded successfully but facing issue for Referen…Vinay Raut-Oracle 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by PSOM1013 Product Master Data Management
Change Order to be triggered when category is changedContent Hello, We have a requirement where we need to have a change order generated whenever there is a change done on the item category. We tried using the changed() fu…Anand Dhinakaran 154 views 12 comments 4 points Most recent by Wendelien Product Master Data Management
I want to post billing transactions to Fusion via REST API. But an error occurredSummary: I want to post billing transactions to Fusion via REST API. But an error occurred Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Error message: …achia.tseng 5 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jan Bart van der Plaats Product Master Data Management
CancelSummary: Cancel Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code sni…
What is involved in changing the name of an existing UOM?Summary: Hello community, I have registered a unit of measure called “Unidad” and have already performed several transactions with items that have this unit of measure a…Fernando Chavez 21 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Fernando Chavez Product Master Data Management
Which data table is the Accounting Date in Billing Manage Transactions located in?Summary: Which data table is the Accounting Date in Billing Manage Transactions located in? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inclu…
Update Primary Category for Item Image AttachmentSummary: We have imported items and their images. But the Primary category for each item's image attachment is not set to Yes. How can we update the Primary category for…Narayan_QF 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Master Data Management
PDH: Does Assigning Custom Item Inquiry role to user involve licensing costSummary: Hi Team, Customer have procured 11 PDH user licensing, where in we have created a copy of Product Manager and assigned it to the users. However, we have also cr…Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Shyam Lakshman-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Copying Item Templates Between Environments in "Manage Item Class"Summary: Hi everyone, In one of our environments, we meticulously created item templates manually in the "Manage Item Class" task. Is there a way to copy these templates…
PDH: Item Rules: Analyze Item Rule Set ImpactSummary: Dear Experts, Have an query on the 'Analyze Item Rule Set Impact' functionality in PDH. Could you please help us clarifying on the queries. What is the maximum …Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Magesh Kesavapillai-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Oracle to SalesForce CPQ Item and Structure Integration AttributesSummary: Client is looking to integrate Oracle Cloud PLM to SalesForce CPQ and needs to know what are the attributes for items and their structures from Oracle that are …Thomas Buechler 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Thomas Buechler Product Master Data Management
Update Item Number in Bulk Using FBDISummary: We require an option to update multiple item numbers using FBDI. Content (required): We require to update multiple item numbers using FBDI is it feasible in the…Ahmed Maher Kadeh 417 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Create Trading Partner Name in UPPERCASESummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Exparts, My Customer is looking a way to define Trading Partner Name always in UPPERCASE. P…Ashish_Kumar 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by UserKV-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Is the FBDI Template for Delete GroupSummary: Hello, We need to delete lots of inactive items which we may never use. Is there a FBDI template for Delete Groups or is there a tip to delete mass items instea…
Customer SHIP_TO site creation using REST APISummary: We are having an issue with customer site creation in oracle fusion where the customers created only with the DELIVER_TO site, now we would like identify such r…User_JLMFJ 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hari Kurra-Oracle Product Master Data Management
BOM Item Structure Migration: IMPLEMENTATION_DATE Defaulting to SysdateSummary: Hi Experts I'm encountering an issue while migrating BOM (item structures) through FBDI or API. My goal is to set both Start Date (EFFECTIVITY_DATE) and Effecti…
How To Bulk Load Manufacturers?Summary: We need to import more than 200 Manufacturers from a source system to Oracle Fusion. How can we load them massively? Content (please ensure you mask any confide…Giuseppe Galluzzo 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Giuseppe Galluzzo Product Master Data Management
How to create a new functional area and assign it to a Catalog?Summary: How to create a new functional area and assign it to a Catalog? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There is a requirement of creatin…
CSV Generate File error in FBDI Import ItemSummary: After to populate the data in each sheets, I click on Generate CSV File button but those errors are shown: What could be the reason? I atttached the file .zip p…Giuseppe Galluzzo 117 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Mani Manda Product Master Data Management
Trading Partner Item Upload using FBDISummary: How should be populate EGP_ITEM_RELATIONSHIPS_INTF using FBDI Template? Following the note 2203619.1 I encountered the following error: 9101010001001 : CUSTOMER…Giuseppe Galluzzo 86 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Master Data Management
How to mass import asset category into the master data item?Summary: I need to import master data items and update the asset category. How can I mass update the asset category for each item? Is there FBDI or spreadsheet to mass u…Giuseppe Galluzzo 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Giuseppe Galluzzo Product Master Data Management
how configured GTIN in oracle fusionSummary: Our customers use the GTIN for their items not 100% but they start to migrate. For now, start to implement SCM but need to understand all considerations to impl…cgleonch 273 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Need to consider category first 3 letters in item rule set for item code generationSummary: Greetings! I am trying to add substring in my item rule sets it is giving me an error. My condition expression was - substring(Catalog[Main_Catalog].Category[MO…
If I update a EFF attribute, the last Update date of the Item is not changed!Summary: I am having an Item class with some EFF attributes configured. When I change an attribute value in the EFF attributes, my Item last update date is not changed. …Vishwas Hegde 111 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by Mani Manda Product Master Data Management
Unable to update the Item Attributes EFFs for approved itemsSummary: We had created items and is in approved status. Now it is like when we are trying to look for an update on EFF the attribute is freezed. Attached is the screens…
Validation rule that checks Item AttributeSummary: Hello, The requirement is that if the user selects 00 in the marked field named Main Fiber Blend, Second Fiber and Third Fiber cannot be anything other than 0. …
Can we control transactions using values captured from DFF at item master?Summary: We had defined a DFF at item master and want to control inventory transactions based on this value. Like Applicable for Xstore (POS System) is YES then only my …
Value field is closed in Manage Item RuleSummary: Hello, How can below field be opened up? I need to write a rule where the results of subsequent EFFs are dependent on a particular value in TUR Main Fiber Blend…
Item numbering rule with leading zerosSummary: Item numbering rule created with an auto-sequence and leading zeros. However, the auto-sequence increments of 3 instead of 1 at every new item. Content (require…