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Requistion Approval Flow

edited May 24, 2019 12:18PM in Self Service Procurement 3 comments


How to configure requisition approval flow


We are planning to setup Approval's for Requisition Creation process as below.

Groups Created:

GR1: User1, User2

GR2: User3, User4

GR3: User5, User6


The way approval should flow is ,1st it should go to all the members of GR1 (User1 and User2).

Once one of the members of the group approves it , it should go to all the members of next group GR2 (User3, User4).

Once one of the members of the group approves it, it should go to all the members of the next group GR3 (User5, user6)

Once it is approved by any member of the GR3, the supplier should get approved.

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