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Visual indicator 'Internally Transferable' needs to look at the Deliver-to org level

edited Aug 19, 2019 9:58PM in Self Service Procurement 13 comments


Visual indicator 'Internally Transferable' needs to look at the Deliver-to org level


With reference to the below idea, Visual indicator 'Internally Transferable' looking only at the master org level is a bug [19B feature]

Currently the internally orderable tag is being shown based on the master org value. But since this attribute can be controlled at the master org or the child org level, there is a definite possibility of this attribute being controlled at child org level, for a client. 

The current solution does not cater to the scenario when the 'internal orderable' attribute is controlled at child org level, and may have different values in different child orgs. For e.g. in child org A the attribute value may be Y, but in child org B, it will be 'N'. In such cases, it is wrong to display as 'Internally orderable' in child org B, where it is not so. 

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