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Ability to update Requisitions by a group/team

edited Aug 23, 2019 8:32PM in Self Service Procurement 5 comments


Ability to update Requisitions by a group/team



Our users are looking for functionality where a group or team needs to have access to each other’s requisitions. When a user creates requisitions, we need the ability for anyone on their team to make updates to those requisitions. This includes adding additional lines, removing lines, updating pricing, updating ship to location, or making any updates the original preparer could make including cancellation of the requisition. updating the requestor/ preparer is not an option, its more like who ever is available from the group need to perform activity on the requisitions. And Primarily we are talking about requisitions in incomplete/ in-process status..what options do we have in cloud..does re-assign work for this type of requisitions?

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