Routing didn't pick the WorkOrder
Routing didn't pick the WorkOrder even though there was technician available in the GanttContent
Hi Guru's,
We have an issue in the instance, where the routing didn't assign a workorder to a specific technician on a particular day. Let me explain to you in the details:
On Saturday (24/08/2019) TechA was available to take the workorder and TechA's Gantt was empty (it means TechA is ready to take an assignment). The routing plan didn't assign the WorkOrder to TechA, instead the Routing plan assigned the WorkOrder on Monday (26/08/2019) to TechB with the same features as TechA. {TechA=TechB).
The question is why didn't the routing plan assign the workorder to TechA and it assigned the Workorder to TecB.