Fault resilence of Regional Subnets
Regional subnets are relatively new to OCI - are they protected against failure from broadcast storms?Content
I'm embarking on a new PaaS/IaaS platfrom design which has to include full DR - whether this is between ADs in a region, or across regions, is still to be decided.
Regional subnets have been available in OCI for a year or so, and Oracle seems to be recommending their use (and has made them the default when creating subnet in the console).
A regional subnet appears to be stretching a layer 2 network across data centres. The debate about the use of stretched subnets has raged for some years with on-prem systems - I think it's fair to say that the network teams at the largest sites have avaoided their use, except for specific subnets where the application or appliance couldn't manage without them.