Convert Requisition into PO or RFQ based on Amount
Convert Requisition into PO or RFQ based on AmountContent
Dear Team - We have a requirement to convert a NON CATALOG requisition either in PO or RFQ depending on the amount on the requisition. Like if under $100K, then create a PO. If over $100k, then need to go to Sourcing.
So Question is:
1) Is this feature available out of the box? Can we achieve this?
2) Tried workaround of asking requestor to select the "NEGOTIATION REQUIRED" checkbox on the Requisition page. Then after approval, the Requisition is available in process requisition pool, Buyer can go ahead and create a new order from this although "NEGOTIATION REQUIRED" is enabled. At this point system just showing a warning message if we convert this requisition into PO but not restricting. So is it intenational or can we restrict this that buyer should not able to create PO for such requisition lines.