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How to define Labor Price based on the type of Labor to charge for a Depot Repair Work Order

edited Apr 14, 2020 8:47AM in Service Logistics 15 comments


How to define Labor Price based on the type of Labor to charge for a Depot Repair Work Order



We have different Labor Prices based on the Labor Category. For Ex: Mechanic 20 USD, Helper 10 USD, Denter 25 USD. per Hour.

As per Oracle documents on Depot Repair, we can define only one Item for Resource as "Labor" and we can give price for this Item. But while Creating the Charges for Depot Repair work order from Maintenance module if we have different prices for the resources then how can we charge it based on the Resource Name ?

Please note that in Maintenance module we have defined different resources like Mechanic, Helper and Denter and we want to define different prices for these resources.


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