New Hire Auto-Enrollment not working
New Hire Auto-Enrollment not workingContent
We have created an accrual absence plan with enrollment start date as "As of Event Date" and no waiting period.
This accrual plan's effective start date is 1/1/2019 and plan's term is calendar year starting 01-Jan. The accrual matrix is straight forward where all employees in this plan will accrue at same rate (by FTE).
When we hire a new employee with hire date of 2/1/2020 (for testing), the hire completes without any error. We expected this new hire to automatically enroll in the accrual plan described above. But when we check the Absence Records screen, we do not see any active plans (no inactive plans as well). The new hire enrolls in the plan when we run the Update Enrollment process. Is this expected behaviour? I had the opinion that New hires/Rehires, Terminations and Reverse Terminations automatically enroll/de-enroll employee in the absence plan. You do not require Update Enrollment process for these specific cases.