Oracle HCM Cloud - Schedule BIP Report without Credentials in Payload
scheduleReport operation in the ScheduleService wsdl requires username and password to be sent to schedule a bip report in oracle hcm. Is there a way we can avoid sending the credentials in payload.Content
Trying to schedule a bip report in HCM cloud, by using ScheduleService wsdl (http//host:Port/xmlpserver/services/v2/ScheduleService?wsdl), Operation - scheduleReport.
This service schedules the bip report successfully in HCM, but requires userid/password in the payload itself.
Is there a way we can avoid sending credentials in payload and still schedule the report.
Code Snippet
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v2=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v2:scheduleReport> <v2:scheduleRequest> <v2:deliveryChannels> <v2:emailOptions> </v2:emailOptions> <v2:faxOptions>