VAT Tax field should be Grayed out if Supplier/Site "Control & Default" - Allow Tax applicability is
VAT Tax field should be Grayed out if Supplier/Site "Control & Default" - Allow Tax applicability is UncheckedContent
Hi Experts,
Supplier/Address level Profile "Control & Default" - Allow Tax applicability is Unchecked and Site level this field unchecked so Supplier is not eligible to apply VAT/Tax.
Business requirement to Grayed out this field at invoice line level if above condition is fulfill. Currently system is allowing us to edit/update this field. So there might be chances user can update this field. If this field is grayed that would be great.
Similar way for "Use Withholding Tax" at Profile/Site level is Unchecked. Withholding Tax field at Invoice line level should be Grayed out. Currently system is allowing us to add WHT code and Tax is getting calculated.