Requisition Approval based on Supplier Site Flex Field
HI All,
We have requirement where PR should go for approval based on Flex Field setup in Supplier Site. Say Supplier Commodity Code.
1) User Creates PR.
2) Based on Supplier Commodity code(Setup in Supplier site DFF) , approval workflow should trigger.
To achieve this we have setup DFF in PR lines to fetch Supplier Commodity code from as Default in DFF.
Below is default Query we are using to fetch code:
select ATTRIBUTE1 from POZ_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL_M where VENDOR_ID =:{PARAMETER.SupplierId} and PRC_BU_ID = :{PARAMETER.RequisitioningBUId}
but this is not working. What i Understood is PRC_BU_ID = :{PARAMETER.RequisitioningBUId} is working but VENDOR_ID =:{PARAMETER.SupplierId} is failing.