Questions on use of OBN (Oracle Business Network)
EDI 810 Outbound invoices to CustomersContent
I'm more functional and curios to know about EDI capabilities using Collaboration messaging framework.
We would like to know if we can use OBN for non-Oracle customers to send EDI 810 invoices outbound in different formats (X12, CDL). From what we read, OBN is only for Oracle customers (EBS or Cloud) that can subscribe to getting their invoices through this channel.
Can OBN support X12 and CDL formats after exporting the xml invoices from Oracle cloud? Can you use OBN to map fields from XML to a customers required format?
We are trying to understand if we use clients existing EZConnect (EDI) or could we suggest using OBN to cenralize all EDI transmissions on one platform. Since client already has EZconnect satisfying their customers needs, then standardizing on one platform makes more sense.