Last PR Orders details on WhatsApp
I am exploring more on WhatsApp & Oracle SaaS integration with Python. This time we will use WhatsApp to get the status of the latest order created by the user.
The process flow is simple:
1) User Open WhatsApp & Greets Company-specific number.
2) WhatsApp will send a list of Task Menus to Users.
3) Users will choose Task from Menu & send data in the desired format.
4) In Response user will get information related to the task chosen in Step 3.
Let's proceed one by one steps:
Step 1) In Here WhatsApp will send a List of Tasks on the user's personal WhatsApp number.
Step 2) User will choose option 4 to Get the status of the last 5 PRs.This will inform the system about user requirements. Depending on the User phone number system will pull the last 5 PR status & pass to WhatsApp API.