Requisition Web Services
Discussion List
How to Default The Category to "To Approver" in Attachment of RequisitionSummary: We have business requirement to Default The Category to 'To Approver' in Attachment of Requisition. Right now the default is coming as Internal to Requisition, …Tauseef_Akram909 91 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by LorenzoMalandrini1234567 Self Service Procurement
Feedback - effectiveness of using Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA) to create purchase requisitionsSummary: Kindly comment on the effectiveness of using Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA) to create purchase requisitions, if you are using it as an end user or if you have i…Srikanth Raghavendiran 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
VB Add-In: Default Logged In User as Preparer & Requester on Purchase RequisitionSummary: We would like to set the logged-in user as both the Preparer and Requester by default when creating a requisition through the VB Add-In for Excel. Could you ple…Santosh Garlapati 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Angela Beckman Self Service Procurement
Error when using Purchase Requisition Cancel REST API Service to cancel requisition line in OICI am getting below error when using Purchase Requisition Cancel REST API Service to cancel 1 requisition line in OIC using Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter Connection. Can someo…Pankaj Pandey 43 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sampath Reddy Devireddy-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Charge account and budget date not updated from Excel VBCS template for Purchase RequisitionsSummary: Hi Everyone, We are using the latest 22A template attached in the below post to create requisition lines using Excel VBCS. However, the charge account and budge…
REST API to get details of Labor code for RequisitionSummary: I am reaching out to get some assistance on how to retrieve the labor code of requisition using REST. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or examples you ca…gauri dudhane 14 views 0 comments 0 points Started by gauri dudhane Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Work Order Subtype usage in TAB Derivation for RequisitionsSummary How to use Work Order Subtype in TAB derivation for RequistionsContent Support / Customers I am writing this article based on a recent customer issue that surfac…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 98 views 7 comments 3 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Work Order(WO): Requisition is approved without approval.Summary Work Order(WO): Requisition is approved without approval.Content Hi all, Work Order(WO): Requisition is approved without approval. Thanks, Dev Thota. Version 19B
REST API to remove items from Cart after submitting RequisitionHello Team, is there any existing API that allows us to remove Items from Cart if we Copy Items from Cart and create Requisition using REST API's or any other alternativ…gauri dudhane 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sampath Reddy Devireddy-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to enable Agreement number and Supplier name field in Responsive self service Procurement UISummary: While creating the requisition from Responsive Self Service Procurement UI How to enable Agreement number field and Supplier name field Content (please ensure y…
Adding Image for Smart forms not workingSummary Adding Image for Smart forms with image url does not display the image on Requisition pageContent Url added on smartform setup. however, no preview is displayed.…
Is it possible to change the purchase requisition preferences of other users using a REST API?While researching, I found the following API: The problem is that it seems I can only change the preferences of the authenticated user in the API. Therefore, my question…
Is there REST API Endpoint that can capture historical approvers and future approvers for PO and PORHi Team, Is there REST API Endpoint that can capture historical approvers and future approvers for PO and POR? If yes, documentation and how to use that? Thanks Prathame…
Not able to GET Purchase Requisitions using REST APISummary: We are trying to GET Purchase Requisition REST API to fetch Purchase Requisitions in which the user performing the GET requests is not the Requisition Preparer …Dhruvin Modi 180 views 16 comments 0 points Most recent by Ifeanyi Katchy-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Need API and sample payload to Approve, Reject Purchase RequestionHi Team, We are collaborating with the Integration team to build the Purchase Requisition and Change Order functionality. To move forward, I need the following informati…
Can approval authority can approve the purchase application via mobile phone / tablet through the apIs it possible for approval authority can approve the purchase application via mobile phone / tablet through the application, as well as be able to read the attachments?…
Unable to Add Items from Catalogue to Public Shopping ListSummary: Since the 24A Quarterly patch, procurement users have not been able to add items to a public shopping list. This issue has occurred previously and was resolved …
Adding cost centre information to Punchout sql scriptSummary: Adding cost centre to Punchout sql script Content (required): We are trying to set up punchout with a trading partner, they would like additional information on…
Features Category details is missing in the Responsive Self Service Procurement Application UI 25 ASummary: We have enable the configuration Procure goods and services using the Responsive Self Service Procurement application on your mobile device. Using the applicati…Shashikanth Kumar P-Oracle 359 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Shashikanth Kumar P-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Can you create a role for only viewing Purchase RequisitionSummary: Can you create a role for only viewing Purchase Requisition without using por_manage_requisition_priv? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
Rest APi purchaseRequisitions does not allow using Allow price override from Purchase AgreementSummary: Rest APi purchaseRequisitions does not allow using Allow price override from Purchase Agreement Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): V…Murilo S. Damasceno 34 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Maithily Kohale-Oracle Self Service Procurement
how to define parameter based DFF in selfservice procurementHi, We have a requirement we need to create a DFF at PR header level, the DFF will bring only the department (values) for the respective BU. for example there are 3 diff…
Oracle Self Service Procurement Cloud: Why can't I find my Requisitions in the Process RequisitionsSummary Why can't I find my Requisitions in the Process Requisitions page?Content After submitting a requisition for approval, users expect it to be auto-approved and av…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 464 views 8 comments 3 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Charge account for Shop floor destination PR through InterfaceSummary: We are creating PR through API with destination type as Shopfloor. The issue is Oracle fusion ignores charge account provided in the interface payload and consi…
Where to get the values to setup in Punchout Catalog?Summary: Where to get the values to setup in Punchout Catalog? Content (required): There are required fields to setup when creating a punchout catalog. Where to get the …Kat Estavillo 222 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Dellabella Self Service Procurement
To link the external API return value with PR Approval configurationSummary: PMB is using an external Application to store PR DFF attributes. While creating the PR manually, the approval in PR should be work automatically based on Extern…Nuralina Badrol 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Can we have different numbering sequence for PR on the basis some field.Summary: Can we have different numbering sequence for different kind of Purchase requestions on the basis of some field. For example we have 2 kind of Requisitions i.e. …
Favorite Charge AccountsSummary: Hello support, We want to build a report to see the users with their charge account. Do you know where we can find the Favorite Charge Accounts by user field? C…Manuel_Rioboo 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to update Po requisition state from incomplete to approved through FBDISummary: Hi, we are trying to update Po requisition state from incomplete to approve through FBDI template by running schedule process , but the status was not updating …
Rest Api to Update requisition Status from in progress or pending for approval to Approved or RejectSummary: Hi Is there any rest api to update the requisition status from in progress or pending for approval to Approved or Rejected Content (please ensure you mask any c…