Knowledge Article: Tip - Difference in Requisition Amount between the UI/PDF and the Notification fo
Why is the Requisition Amount on the UI/PDF different than what I see in the Approval Notification?Content
Support / Customers
There was a recent customer query on the intrinsic difference in the converted requisition amounts between the UI and the Notification. The customer pointed out that the UI / PDF generated for the requisition had a converted amount of say, $10.00 whereas the Notification had a converted amount of say,$11.00.
The ask was that this should be the same.
Always remember that the UI /PDF uses the conversion rate of the date on which the line was created. The notification generates a real time conversion on the date of submission of the requisition for approval. So if the exchange rates happen to be different, particularly with a larger lapse of time between creation and submission, this is an expected occurrence. The PDF uses the static data from the DB and resolves to the same conversion rate as the UI.