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Submitting the opening balance of DTA and DTL Accounts for Annual rollover

edited Oct 20, 2020 9:25PM in Tax Reporting (Direct Tax) 1 comment


Submitting the opening balance of DTA and DTL Accounts for Annual rollover


Hi Experts, In current set up of our TRCS application we are calculating both DTE and CTE and our periods are starting from FY18. We have entered the closing balances for the deferred accounts at P12 FY18 and haven't set any Tax Automation rules to calculate the movement on DTE accounts because system will take the complete balance amount as movement. Then we loaded the balance in FY19 periods and calculating the movements and system is calculating my DTE/DTA/DTL based on the balances. Since the DTA/DTL are rolled over annually so in the FY20 opening balances are not coming completely. To get

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