Invoice step fails with the Invalid business unit error
My order has been shipped and i can see the fulfillment flow shows that it has been shipped. but now the order stuck with Invoice process with 2 error messagesContent
the order stuck with Invoice process with 2 error messages as below
Error 1:
Task 300000038340840 for orchestration process 300000038340839 failed. Use the appropriate Order Orchestration work area action to recover this task. (DOO-2685501)
JBO-27024: Failed to validate a row with key oracle.jbo.Key[300000038433485 ] in TransactionRequestInterfaceLineEOJBO-AR:::AR_RAPI_BU_INVALID: <MESSAGE><NUMBER>AR-856613</NUMBER><TEXT>The business unit is invalid.</TEXT><CAUSE></CAUSE><ACTION></ACTION><DETAILS></DETAILS><INCIDENT></INCIDENT></MESSAGE>