Supply Chain Orchestration
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Unable to map multiple Order Line EFFs to AR Invoice DFFSummary: We have a requirement to map multiple Order Line EFF contexts to AR Invoice Line DFF (TransactionLineDff). We followed the below note in order to do so: FA: SCM…
I have a requirement to add a sales start date to an item we have in inventory. How do we do this?We have items we have purchased that need to be received into a POS system. The POS system has asked if we can add a future sales start date to the product. In the curre…
How to generate a single file for sales order with multiple lines via Order orchestrationSummary: How to generate a single file for sales order with multiple lines via Order orchestration Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have…
Order Management ExtensionsFacing an Integration issue of Order Management with Receivables. I want to access the Total Past Due Amount BO from the Receivables Customer Account Detail upon passing…Diptendu Mukherjee-Oracle 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Sales Order Payment Type field displaySummary how to display or populate Payment Type on Sales OrderContent Hi All, We are in Cloud R13.18.02 and creating SO from 3rd Party Quote System through web service. …
Can we add AP invoice creation in RMA orchestration processSummary: Hi, We are planning to implement RMA process in our organization. We can see only receipt creation in inventory and CM creation in AR side. our requirement is t…
The fulfillment line couldn't be updated coz OM can't determine Orch details.Summary: Getting this error at sales order The fulfillment line couldn't be updated because order management can't determine orchestration details. Details: Order manage…
Review Supply Availability shows incorrect dataSummary: Hi experts, we have a problem with Review Supply Availability report. We have a sourcing rule in assignment set which says that if there is warehouse A on the S…
Back to Back Sales Order Supply Order Created but Requisition Not FoundSummary: B2B SO is Created, Supply Order Number Populated, Requisition Number Generated Navigate to Manage Requisition or Process Requisitions and Search for the Generat…
Sales orders are stuck in Awaiting billing statusSummary: Many sales orders are stuck in Awaiting billing status even though invoices have been generated successfully in receivables. Please advice how to close the orde…Kaleem Khan 1.3K views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Issue in Back to back Sales orderSummary: In a back to back sales order, we had a scenario where for a line the work order was generated but automatically it has unassigned the work order and automatica…
Supply Order Number not getting generated for Back-to Back Transfer FlowSummary: We are testing Back-to-Back Sales Order (Transfer Flow). For the same, we have set up ATP Rules, Global Sourcing rule and local sourcing rule, assigned the Back…
How to use Sales Order EFF for External Interface Routing RulesSummary: How to use Sales Order EFF for External Interface Routing Rules Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are looking to use Sales Order…
Can we cosider Item lead time in back to back?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have back-to-back process, and the requested ship date is same as requested delivery date in P…
Can we process a Sales order without implementing inventory Management?Summary: Can we process a Sales order without implementing inventory Management? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the vers…
Create Automatic Purchase Requisition against a TransferOrder if onhand is insufficient in warehouseSummary: Create Automatic Purchase Requisition against a Transfer Order when on hand is insufficent in warehouse Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…Mohammed Arshad Imran-Oracle 19 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Victor Martin Order Management
Manage Order Extensible Flexfields - Filtering condition to Table type ValuesetSummary: We have a requirement to capture soldto site at order line level. User should be able to select sold to site at Sales order line level for the selected customer…
Old sales order are getting stuck in shipped statusWe have followed below document and it is working for new orders. FA: SCM: OM: Order Lines Are Not Progressing Through The Steps In The Orchestration Process Properly Af…Hemanth Buccapatnam Tirumala 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shyam Patel Order Management
Do we have any standard API which will provide us whether Order is planned or not in OTMDo we any Standard or ceded API in Fusion which will let us know whether a sales order is planned or not planned in OTM
GOP is not showing Scheduled Ship Date as per Resource AvailabilityGOP is not showing Scheduled Ship Date as per Resource availability. BOR is setup for the Finished good item in Planning. Infinite Availability Time Fence Definition is …
Order lines with Action code as 'Amend' and 'Renew' creates new Assets instead of updating existingSummary: [This idea is related to - FOM to ALM assets via Orchestration.] Details: We have an integration from CPQ to FOM (Fusion Order Management). Here we are using or…
Hi all, how to create an EFF in Order Management on the basis of order Type.Summary: We have a requirement to create an EFF in Order Management on the basis of Order Type. We need some EFF fields to be populated and make it mandatory for a speci…
Invoice step fails with the Invalid business unit errorSummary My order has been shipped and i can see the fulfillment flow shows that it has been shipped. but now the order stuck with Invoice process with 2 error messagesCo…
Displaying EFF based on Order TypeSummary: Here is my business case Order Type1 EFF defined for Order Type 1 is EFF_A and EFF_B Order Type 2 EFF defined for Order Type 2 is EFF_C When user will query Ord…Sam Samaddar 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
How to setup Supply Allocation for Sales Orders based on CustomersSummary: We have a requirement to setup Supply Allocation for Sales Orders based on Customers Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have busi…
Modification on the configuration of the "Actual Fulfillment Date" in sales orders for service itemsI need to automatically update the "Actual Fulfillment Date" when the Pause Task is released in a Sales Order for service items. Currently, the system updates the date o…
Bind Variable use in value set in FusionSummary: Hi, We have a requirement to use table value set which would take a variable as input from the UI and fetch a value. With reference to this we came across an Or…
Cancel order line in "Picked" StatusHello all, we have an order that is partially closed, only 1 line is still open in "Picked" status. This line was split from tbe original line —> line 6.2 in the screens…
Access Oracle ATP Data from Order Management ExtensionsSummary: We have a requirement to develop OM extension which should access the data residing in Oracle ATP to do a validation and apply hold on the order. We have explor…
How to create a sales order with a "draft" status when generating it from a transfer order?How to create a sales order with a "draft" status when generating it from a transfer order?Kishore Kumar Reddy Bhushanam 16 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shyam Patel Order Management