Supply Chain Orchestration
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Shipment line UOM is not the same as requisition UOMIn the process of an Internal Material Transfer (IMT), the Unit of Measure of Manage Shipment Lines pages is not the same as requested Unit of Measure. Summary: When per…
How does the person who raised an order monitor to know that a Customer had received its orderSummary: Our client have a requirement such that when a shipment leaves the warehouse and invoice have been generated they should be able to monitor the shipment or get …
How can we define a limited access to a subinventory?In other words, I am creating a logical subinventory just to track the quantities. Then the quantities will be transferred to the final destination (sales). How can I li…
NASummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):Abhishek Sinha 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Multiple Setups for Same CustomerSummary: We have different price lists for customers depending on the regions where their stores are located. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
SO FLine EFF to PR Line - B2B flowI am trying to map SO FLine EFF to PR Line seeded field Note To Buyer. Tried SCO service mapping through expression & algorithm as well, but both didn't work. No error w…
Import Export is corrupting the dataWe have below requirement and since the count of data was high so we tried to import the data from CSV and we are able to do so. But that corrupted or data and system is…
Map and extract customer sites and shipping zones dataWe are creating shipping zones and are looking for a way to extract this shipping zone data and map it to the customer addresses. Any extract approach/ queries / solutio…Madhav Sheldarkar 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Collection Job Set- Extract entities are failingSummary: All the extract entities of collection job set are failing and rerunning again. There are no error logs for these jobs. What could be the reason?
How to add apply charges automatically at Order Entry based on EFF ValuesSummary: How to add apply charges automatically at Order Entry based on EFF Values Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement t…
How to default Ship From Organization based on Customer Site and ItemSummary: How to default Ship From Organization based on Customer Site and Item without GOP or Post-Transformation Rules Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
Backlog Management Implementation without Supply Planning in Oracle CloudSummary: We have requirement to implement Order backlog Management without Supply Planning. Supply Planning is done by 3rd Party Planning tool. Can you please let us kno…nileshk 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Malcolm-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Sales Order Header/Line End Customer,Deliver to Address ,Sold To Address Field not available Same liSummary Sales Order Header/Line End Customer,Deliver to Address ,Sold To Address Field not available Same like EBSContent We raised following SR for Deliver to, Sold to,…
API details for Create/Update Sales order line to add/update Sales Agreement lineSummary: Need API details for Create Sales Order/Sale Order Line to add Agreement line of Agreement. Current API has only Agreement Number Content (please ensure you mas…
How to automatically update a line split when it is first created?Currently the system replicates all the fields of the original line in the line split when we confirm partial shipments, however, the business requires that it does not …
Orchestration Process Re-Triggers after EFF UpdateSummary: Hi, we are using the seeded Pause task in our orchestrations, we set the pause rule to release the task when EFF value = 'Yes' we are facing unexpected behavior…Dor Ariel-Oracle 247 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Can we perform back to back for service item?Summary: We have a requirement to have back to back flow with service item on sales order and those services will be performed by supplier. Wanted to know if back to bac…
How to use DOO Credit Check Orchestration Step to apply Holds on Sales orderSummary: How to use DOO Credit Check Orchestration Step to apply Holds on Sales order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requiremen…
Error while work order creation for CTO/ATO item through Sales OrderSummary: Hi All, Getting following error - 'The item you provided, 300000038744903, isn't set up for work order creation. Try again after the following item attribute va…
PO Shipped quantity is 0 for a PO for which we have ASN & InvoiceSummary: Drop ship process generated a PO for which supplier has sent ASN and AP invoice is also processed. Yet PO shipped quantity is showing as 0. Content (please ensu…Prateek Moroney 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Is there any way to remove this validation of PSD and RSD during FBDI SO Import process?Summary: While Importing Sales Orders through FBDI, If the Promised ship date is before the Requested ship date, getting the below error: The value of the PROMISE_SHIP_D…
Can we create purchase requisition when there is no onhand through supply request for non B2B or DSSummary: After sales order submit, Can we create purchase requisition when there is no onhand through supply request for non Back to Back and Drop ship item, can it poss…
Working of CreditCheckingService SOAP WebserviceSummary: Working of CreditCheckingService SOAP Webservice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Team, We would like to know how the Availa…
Can we have approval when there is a manual price overrideSummary We have enabled Allow Override Price in Price list items - approval should be triggered whenever there is a override in Your Price- can we define approval rule f…
Unable to default Payment terms based on Sales Order Header EFF using Post Transformation RulesUnable to default Payment terms based on Sales Order Header EFF using Post Transformation RulesAravind Reddy-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Aravind Reddy-Oracle Order Management
HVGOP enabled , CTP dates not populating as per expectationsSummary: IBM India Pvt. Ltd. Content (required): Enable HVGOP. For the Capable to Promise Scenario, with the lead times, Schedule Ship Dates and Availability does not sh…
How to define orchestration rule based on item - organization statusSummary: We currently reference 'Item Status' in an orchestration rule to autoclose an order line if the item status = Inactive. The orchestration appears to only consid…
Not able to perform unreferenced return Order on a star itemContent Not able to perform only unreferenced return Order on a star item (items are CTO models) but able to perform reference return without any issue for the same star…
Custom Pause Task showing error in the sales orderWe have the scenario of - Pause Nonshippable Lines Until Shipping Ships At Least One Shippable Line. We have done the required set up as in the document in the link- But…
In Passing OM EFF to AR DFF - can we have context dynamically change based on order type?Summary: We have a custom attribute group(s) defined in AR for which values are being passed from EFF on order lines (from OM). This works currently as there's only one …