Supply Chain Orchestration
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Shipment DFFSummary Shipment DFFContent Hi Gurus, We have few DFFs created for Shipment header. We want to have few fields conditionally mandatory. is it possible? eg. If the wareho…
Business Unit is empty in "Import AutoInvoice" Schedule Process.Summary Business Unit is empty in "Import AutoInvoice" Schedule Process.Content Hi All, Please help on below issue. Version 18 D
Define rule in Manage Supply Order Defaulting and Enrichment Rules to control IMT transfers to go toContent How to setup a rule to control the IMTs (internal Material Transfer) to pass through the Order Management?
Sales Order Payment Type field displaySummary how to display or populate Payment Type on Sales OrderContent Hi All, We are in Cloud R13.18.02 and creating SO from 3rd Party Quote System through web service. …
Dictionary List to configure Oracle Business RuleSummary Dictionary List to configure the Oracle Business Rule for Order Orchestration ProcessContent Hello Experts, Is there any dictionary list that contains rule sets,…
DOO configurationSummary Can we copy DOO configuration from one instance to another?Content Can we copy/extract DOO configuration from one instance?User_2025-01-28-07-47-26-775 71 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Balaji Narasimhan-Oracle Order Management
DOO interfacesSummary Where to find list of all the DOO interfaces (APIs)Content Where to find list of all the DOO interfaces (APIs)User_2025-01-28-07-47-26-775 56 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Balaji Narasimhan-Oracle Order Management
Order Management Implementation GuideSummary Is there an Order Mangagment Cloud Implementation guide ?Content Hi, I'm interested in doing the certification for Order Management Cloud. However the challenge …